Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Best Over the Counter Stool Softeners - How to Soften the Stool With Laxatives

Constipation is one among the most common ailments that the individuals go through. Two out of every ten persons start off late for their work as they spend unwanted time in the toilet. While, there are several diet & exercises available to cure these, not every body has the time to go accordingly with exercise schedule. Are the over the counter (OTC) stool softeners a right resort to constipation? Or to say like , are laxatives good enough to soften the stool?

Let us understand the concept of laxatives and softening of the stool with some analysis


As we know, the over the counter products are those medicines that are advertised frequently and the user buys them with out any medical prescription. Laxatives primarily come in 7 different types. The ones that are most commonly advertised are bulk forming, stool softeners, lubricants, saline & stimulant and, of course the combination of 2 or more of these.

How do laxatives work towards softening the stool ?

· They add bulk & water to the stools. Actually in case the stool formed in larger size, it triggers the bowel and helps it in smoother contraction & hence moves it out more forcefully. The bulk forming laxatives perform the best for this particular function.

· Drinking lots of water and other fluids along with the laxatives & the softeners makes them more effective and reduces their side effects.

· They quote it with with glycerin suppositories so that it holds the water with more strength. It also lubricates the inside parts of the anus so that stool passes out smoothly.

· They mix the body fluids in side the stools in order to soften them.

· How ever you must not take laxatives in the long run. Taking these for a week is enough. Over usage of the laxatives can lead to many health problems.

Some of the commonly used OTC stool softeners and laxatives are FV Laxative Plus Stool Soften Oral, Fruit-Eze Regularity Blend and Miralax.

Best Over the Counter Stool Softeners - How to Soften the Stool With Laxatives


Saltless Water Softener: It Is Good for Your Health (and Pocket)?

Back then, the saltless water softener was not popular. Instead, the salt-based water softener was the star. Because it had the capacity to address all the needs of households, the saltless softener was ignored. But, when people become conscious of their health, environment and their growing expenses on home maintenance, they turned their eyes on the saltless water softener systems.

water softener prices

Salt-based water softener is doing a great job in softening hard water. Hard water is composed of magnesium and calcium. However, because it contains salt, it leaves behind sodium in water. This is not good for household members, especially for those who have diseases, like hypertension and high blood pressure. This is why majority of households now consider the use of saltless water softener.


Saltless water softener systems do not only make the water softer; it also helps people avoid taking in too much sodium, which is not good for the health. More importantly, it does not cost much; hence, it gives mothers the opportunity to have more funds to pay for their other necessities.

Saltless softener is also easy to install. It will not require homes to call an expert to do this. If they are more than willing to do it themselves and if they wish to save, they should try to install it. They will see it is worth the try (and the savings).

Speaking of savings, households can also save from the cost of maintaining their homes. Because there is no hard water present in saltless softener that scales in appliances and pipes, it is not necessary for them to replace their appliances and pipes very often.

Make no mistake, though, saltless may be part of the name of this softener, but it still contains salt to be able formulate the brine solution. However, the amount is limited to a minimum, unlike salt-based saltless softeners which require higher amount of salt to be able to operate. In addition, saltless systems are easy to maintain; hence, you will not require regular check up from professionals.

If it is the health of your family that is at stake, you always have to make a "healthful" decision. One example of this is opting for saltless water softeners over salt-based water softeners. Especially in these tough economic times, it is best to make decisions that will allow you to allocate more funds for the necessities of your family than others. One way to also do this is to consider using saltless softener systems at home.

Saltless Water Softener: It Is Good for Your Health (and Pocket)?


Why Water Softeners Need Salt

Many people have water softeners in their homes. Many of you that do don't understand how a softener works. Sure, it allows you to use less detergent in the laundry and your soap lathers much better in the shower, but how does it work?

water softener salt

Hardness in water is actually calcium. Hardness is also a few trace minerals like magnesium and iron, but the majority of this hardness is calcium. Calcium, when dissolved in water forms what's called a cation. That is, it takes on a positive charge.


All this calcium is what makes soap harder to lather, which makes it undesirable in your water for cleaning purposes. Many people who live in areas with very hard water will install a water softener to take out all the hardness.

A water softener is simply a vessel filled with thousands and thousands of little beads called an ion exchange resin. The resin will remove the calcium from the water in a process called ion exchange. This process can remove the calcium in your water only by substituting another element in its place. In this case, the element is sodium.

The salt you add to your softener is actually sodium chloride. When introduced into water, it dissolves into two compounds: A positively charged sodium atom and a negatively charged chloride atom. As the water passes through this resin, the resin takes a calcium ion and gives up a sodium ion.

The end result is a concentration of sodium ions in your water in place of the calcium ions, and sodium ions do not contribute to hardness in your water.

Eventually the resin becomes depleted of all of it's sodium ions so it must be replenished. This is what happens when your softener system goes into backwash. If flushes out all the calcium to drain and replenishes all of the sodium lost to the ion exchange process.

This is why your softener needs salt and why you must keep replacing it.

It's a good method for making nice soft water for cleaning, but remember: The calcium is replaced with sodium on a 1:1 basis. This may mean that you end up with a large amount of sodium in your water which is not good for people with hypertension and heart disease. If you do install a softener, it is in your best interest to have the plumber bypass the lines to your kitchen sink so you can use this water for drinking and cooking without high concentrations of sodium.

Why Water Softeners Need Salt


Monday, September 12, 2011

Electric Water Heater Repair

What are the common problems and how to troubleshoot electric water heater? Use the guide below to see the main reasons for your electric water heater repair. Do you have a problem with the thermostat, heating elements or there is no hot water? OK, let's find out more about troubleshooting and fixing the heater and what you should know to order repair parts.

For almost every problem or condition that is related to your electric heater there is a number of different causes. Here are some:


Problem: Why my electric water heater doesn't produce hot water?

Solution: If there is no electric power in the heater check the fuses or circuit breaker. Use the manufacturer manual to check are the wiring connections properly installed at the heater's terminals. Remove oxidation from the wiring and if the connection is loose, fix it. If your heating element is gone due to the lime build up, high voltage, heater vibration or dry-firing (heating element was not fully immersed in the water when it was ON) do not try to repair it, buy a new element and simply replace it. Check the thermostat and if it is faulty replace it. When replacing any of the faulty components try to match parameters.

Problem: Electric water heater produces insufficient hot water

Solution: You might have the undersized heater. Next time try correctly to dimension your water heating system. Repair the leaking hot water faucets or tank drain if needed. Drain and flush your electric water heater regularly to remove the sediment build up. If the thermostat is set too low increase the temperature of the outgoing water. Thermostat should be working properly and mounted flash with the tank; if it is loose correct it. Use the insulation jacket for the heater and insulation for pipes to reduce the heat loss. Check the bottom heating element for the open circuit or if it is grounded, replace it.

Problem: How to repair slow hot water recovery?

Solution: One of the common causes for the slow hot water recovery is the lime build up on the heating elements. If the water is too hard use the water softener, otherwise clean the elements. but be careful not to damage the copper sheath. If the thermostat is misplaced, position it per manufacturer's instruction. Check is the dip tube improperly installed on the hot water line.

Problem: Too expensive to operate electric water heater

Solution: Reduce the temperature on the thermostat if it is set too high. Check for leaks on the hot water tap, around heating elements, heater nipples and the tank drain... that is a pure energy and money waste. If your water heater and the pipeline are not insulated, especially during the winter time, do so. Use the insulation blanket for the heater.

Problem: Noise

Solution: Lime formation on the heating element or in the tank is the reason why the water heater produces a rumbling, pounding or sizzling noise. Use the fine brush to clean the lime scale from the elements.

Before you try to repair the electric water heater, call the company the unit was purchased from to order the part. To get the right part always provide the following info: Model number, serial number and part description.

Other problems related to the electric water heaters might include heating elements, anode rod, water odor and unusual taste, hot water fluctuation...

Electric Water Heater Repair


What Can an Electronic Water Descaler Do For Me?

There are many benefits from having an electronic water descaler fitted in your home. This article provides reasons why it is something that all families should consider as an addition to their home safety plan.

So what is an electronic water descaler?


An electronic water descaler deals with limescale deposits caused by hard water, which effects approximately 60% of homes in the UK. Other methods such as magnetic descalers, and ion exchange softeners, can be expensive and ineffective in comparison.

The Benefits

Effectively reduce "scum" within baths and sinks. Softens water with using chemical. Low cost solution. Helps to maintain pipe-work within the house, including boilers, storage tanks, radiators, showers, washing machines. Easy to fit. No moving parts. Low level maintenance. Indicates internal or external system faults. Has no adverse effect on the the chemical composition of the water. Enjoy the benefits of softer water, e.g. kinder to skin. Avoids using environmentally damaging cleaning materials. Heating costs are reduced by avoiding the use of more fuel as flow is reduced by limescale.
How soon will I notice the benefits

As soon as it is installed the unit will begin to soften the water and prevent further build up of limescale from occurring. Deposits that have built up over many years take longer to eliminate, but will disappear as softer water passes through the pipes. It can take months to eliminate limescale deposits, but when you consider some of these have taken decades to build up, it is a relatively quick process.

What Can an Electronic Water Descaler Do For Me?


Water Softeners

Water softening is probably the most popular of all water treatment technologies. Although there is much mis-conception about how a water softener works, the end result of a proper application is always the same. Water softeners bring most families a much higher quality of household water. Mineral deposits are eliminated. Water spots on shower walls and glassware, gone! Laundry comes out cleaner and softer. No more soap deposits left in the clothing causing itching and rashes. The total overall quality of the water improves, and truly does feel "softer".

water softener shower head

When is a water softener needed? Just about any time the water comes from a ground water source such as a dug or drilled well. About the only time one can argue against the benefits of water softening is if the water is drawn from a surface supply such as a lake. Even rivers generally pick up mineral content as they flow over the ground and become "hard water".


Water hardness is measured in grains of hardness per gallon or liter. It can also be measured in PPM with 17.1 ppm per one grain of hardness. Water over 7 grains hard begins to benefit from the effects of water softening. At 10 grains the effects of softening are readily noticeable. At 15 grains of hardness rush out and buy a water softener, you will be pleased you did.

David's believe-it-or-not says the most common complaint I have heard about the effects of soft water are: No 1-the dishes are very slippery when wet (true) and No 2- my hair has gone all pouffy! (true again-the mineral deposits are gone!)

How does a water softener work? Does a water softener leave salt in my water? Let's get this straight once and for all. A water softener works on a system called "ion exchange". For every grain of hardness (calcium/magnesium) your water softener takes out of the water-IT MUST REPLACE IT WITH AN EQUAL AMOUNT OF SALT. Let me repeat this. The softener exchanges the calcium with salt. The calcium is actually a salt as well, so I should properly say that the calcium salts are replaced with sodium salts. If the softener works perfectly, the exchange would be exact but this is not possible. There is always more salt left in the water than the amount of calcium it removed. The ratio of exchange used to be terrible, and still is in some older model systems. But many newer technologies incorporate systems of rinsing that reduce the left over salt in your water to very acceptable standards. The exchange can be measured with a TDS meter which every salesman should carry, or he is not testing your water properly. The increase in TDS from your feed water to your product water will identify how much excessive salt is left behind. An efficient softener leaves less salt behind than in one gallon of water than is found in one piece of white bread.

A water softener should not be installed where a sodium restricted diet is recommended. Although I would suggest that the softener still be installed if the water warrants the application, and a reverse osmosis unit be placed in the kitchen to remove the salt, and all other impurities, for cooking and drinking water. Water softeners will often remove small amounts of iron from your water. But this will increase the salt used, and the salt left behind. Larger amounts of iron, over 1mg/ltr will cause excessive salt use, and eventually foul the bed of the softener. A water softener should not be used as the primary means of reducing iron in water.

Another consideration in softening is your septic system. Water softeners rinse large amounts of salt into your drain water. If you are on a septic system, as many rural systems are, you will damage the cement holding tank and salt will harm vegetation in the area where the septic is located. Potassium Chloride is a suitable replacement under these circumstances, or if you just want to be more environmentally conscious in your water treatment application. Potassium is far less corrosive and does not have as much negative impact on the environment. Potassium is also often recommended as a sodium replacement for people on salt restricted diets. (although my preference where health concerns are an issue, is the application of a reverse osmosis after the softener).

Saltless Water Softeners? RUBBISH! There are no saltless water softeners which have been tested and certified. But lots of them have been tested and discarded as rubbish. The Water Quality Association is an organization which is there to inform and protect the public in regards to the water treatment industry. To my knowledge they have tested many electronic, electric, or magnetic devices and found that none of them remove one grain of hardness from water. Some of these devices will reduce scaling, the effect of mineral deposits sticking to surfaces, but none of them remove anything from the water. Once again, I see this as dealerships and sales people who just want to get the sale, so they give the customer what the customer wants. A magic wand. Well I can supply you with magic wands for .29 so don't pay more than that for any magic wands. I am sure these statements will ruffle some feathers, but until I see the WQA certifying a saltless water softener, I will stick to my statements.

If you install a water softener in your home, and keep it for six months to get used to it, you will not likely ever be without one. I have had mine for 14 years now. Yup, the same one. Make a wise purchase and you will have a long lasting piece of equipment.

I have said many times, " a wise and educated consumer makes wise choices". Your water, your health, your responsibility.

Water Softeners


Culligan Water Filters - The Brand For Clean Water

It is important for all living things to have pure and clean water which is healthy to drink. Water is as much a part of people's lives for they use it every day 24/7.

People need water not only for drinking but also for washing the clothes they wear, brushing teeth, watering the plants, taking a bath etc. Before water on our planet was fresh and clean, but today water may not be as clean as it was before.


The water today is contaminated with many substances there is only few percent left that are still clean and fresh. And because of this contaminants that are present in it people have became cautious in protecting their families' health.

Water filters became more and more popular, to every home, office and in any establishment. This is one device that could help remove the unwanted substance that you could find in the water.

One of these filtration devices are Culligan water filters that help clean and removes some harmful substance in your water. Here is some of the Culligan water filters that you need to know.

Preferred Series: This is the most basic way of water filtration in Culligan and has 3 different sizes. You'll just put it onto your water tap and it helps filter your water. Inside of each device have various filters which filter the water.

Good Water Machine: This device has 3 different tools in which to filter water including large jags that could store water. This machine helps by adding pressure in order to help reduce the maximum amount of sediments.

Various point-of-use filters: This device is connected to the water lines other water dispensing tools or on a refrigerator. If you use this device you don't need to install an under sink water filter.

Iron-Cleer tank system: helps oxidizes the iron away from your drinking water.

Culligan is one of the best and is known for having good water filtration systems and devices. Here are some tips if you want to buy water filters.

Water filters help to clean polluted water and gives us a healthier and clean water to drink. You just need to choose the right one that will suit your home.

Culligan Water Filters - The Brand For Clean Water


Healthy Living - Water Softener Or Water Filter?

Water, the substance we depend on for survival; odorless, colorless and tasteless yet fundamental to the survival of all life. It will dissolve nearly everything it comes in contact with and carry that substance with it. Knowing that our water supply is safe is important; and knowing potential problems with the water coming into our home and how to make it safer is equally important.

water softener reviews

There are a number of potential problems that can occur along the way with water that comes into our homes; among them, high levels of calcium, minerals and sediment, otherwise known as hardness. Hard water can really be damaging to your home's plumbing and appliances. For many years people have been turning to softeners, also known as conditioners, that use salt to neutralize minerals causing water to be "hard."


When home owners are on municipal sewage systems the salt brine from softeners or conditioners backwashes into the system. Sodium makes its way into the nation's waterways. Those same waterways eventually become the water supply to other homes further down the stream. In areas where softeners are frequently used, large amounts of sodium have become quite a challenge! Municipal water departments are unable to bear the expense of reverse osmosis systems in order to remove the sodium, so they have no choice but to allow it on through to their customers. In some cities, sodium from water softeners has become such a challenge they have banned the use of salt brine conditioners altogether.

Beyond the challenges of sodium in the system, softeners/conditioners do nothing to address the larger problems of contamination. Cysts, chemicals and disinfection byproducts, pharmaceuticals and other carcinogens numbering in the hundreds are in the public and well water supplies. Conditioned water may help your plumbing, but it does absolutely nothing to address the real dangers to you health posed by these contaminants.

Some softener companies are going door to door or doing telephone solicitation to get into your home to sell their salt brine systems. They are promoting these systems as if they are home filtration systems. Unfortunately, their demo is pretty impressive and so are their claims. The price tag is pretty impressive too. That is, if "impressive" means up to 00.00! That's a lot of dough to make your pipes happy!

There is a new, state-of-the-art alternative that provides not only the ultimate in water softening, but the ultimate in purification as well. It's called Nano-filtration.

Nano-filtration is a system that combines the best of available technologies. It does not waste two-thirds of the water coming into the system as reverse osmosis does. And it does not add salt as conditioners do. Nano-filtration works with an advanced hollow carbon technology that is far superior to old fashioned carbon block or activated carbons. Then it forces the water through a membrane to remove everything down to .0001 microns! What does that mean to you? It means everything that could possibly be harmful to your health or your home is not getting through - even if your water source is an untreated lake or stream . Viruses, bacteria, fluoride, arsenic, lead, copper, trace pharmaceuticals, endocrine disrupting chemicals, hormones - everything you hear about in the news that makes you cringe to think about drinking and bathing in is no longer getting to you or your children. It means true peace of mind.

Nano-Filtration systems are not inexpensive - that is, unless you compare them to the hugely expensive softening systems. By comparison, they cost thousands of dollars less and give you far more protection for your money! Nano-Filtration is the solution that is truly "Good for You and Mother Earth Too!"

Healthy Living - Water Softener Or Water Filter?


Mobile Water Treatment Unit Helpful after Flooding and Disaster

Mobile water treatment units can be attached to a trailer and it can be rented for location projects. The unit is equipped usually with a reverse osmosis treatment membrane as well as filters and other steps to filter and clean water.

With a combination of the reverse osmosis and softening elements, the water is able to filter out water and give the water some balance. As you know, hard water consists of magnesium and calcium, when you add softeners it is able to neutralize the magnesium and calcium.


Reducing the fluoride in the water

They also will reduce chlorides and sulfur in the water, as well as, take out arsenic, fluoride, nitrates, and other ions that can cause heavy metal poisoning. It will allow you to clean the water in order to reuse it. They are used when it comes to oil field brine and mining tailings (or water recovered from within the mines). It is considered an industrial waste treatment, because it cleans the water that is found and then it separates the waste.

These systems are to clean the groundwater or storm water that is found in construction areas. It will work well when the air is highly contaminated with some type of micro-particles. Mobile water treatments will place drinking water chemicals into he water that is pumped.

Most of these machines can hold up to 12,500 gallons of water. It will discharge the solid material and sediments and is constantly processing the water so that it can eliminate as much of those contaminates as possible. The intake and discharge is sixty gallons of water a minute, so it is constantly taking more water in and releasing clear water.

Reducing problems with drinking water

The reason why many companies will rent this machines is so that they can get rid of the water that blocks or prohibits them from working and allowing the water to become cleaned and emptied into man holes. This is one way that construction and mining companies can be socially responsible. They clean the water before they dispose of them so that it doesn't harm anyone when they dispose of the water.

When a company rents one of this machines, they will spend somewhere between 0-00 a day to pump out the water from their work area. Mostly construction, mining, and oil companies will find the need to rent these machines to help them with their work. They will do their best to get out as much water at once as possible so that the water can be pumped out quickly and so they can reduce the renting costs of a mobile water treatment.

Mobile Water Treatment Unit Helpful after Flooding and Disaster


Sunday, September 11, 2011

How Do Stool Softeners Work? Soften Your Stool Naturally and Get Rid of Constipation Pain

How do stool softeners work? It is always advisable to drink lots of water for softening your stool. It is the best way to cure constipation. Usually due to bad eating habits, erratic lifestyle, alcohol consumption and medications, our bowel movement gets affected. The harmful toxins present in our body corrupt our colon, which consequently makes the entire system slow. Usually stool softeners clean up your colon and eradicate toxic substances from your body. The waste products get diluted by this process, which further gets eliminated through stools. Factors such as unhygienic food, water and environment are responsible for causing constipation. It is a common problem but can be much irritating at times. Your day-to-day life gets disrupted due to this unwanted disorder.

Natural Methods to Soften Your Stool


Colon Cleansing: It is touted to be the most effective method to treat constipation. There are many methods to eliminate toxins from your body. You can use the technique called Enema for detoxification and softening your stool. Introducing warm water to your colon through your anus is the best way to perform this method. This procedure rejuvenates your whole body. You should perform this process at least once in a year.

High Fibrous Foods: You can also eat lots of high fibrous fruits and vegetables for softening your stool naturally. It is always advisable to drink lots of fruit and vegetable juices for stimulating your bowel movement. You can also take doses of maple syrup to soften your stool.

Cardio Workout: You should create some activities in and around your life. You can easily perform workouts such as running, swimming, aerobics, and hiking. It is always advisable to drink plenty of water during the entire process. You should drink at least 10-12 glasses of water daily to maintain your bowel movement.

How Do Stool Softeners Work? Soften Your Stool Naturally and Get Rid of Constipation Pain


What is the Major Difference Between a Filter, Purifier, Softener Or Conditioner?

You might have heard of the words water filter, purifier, softener and conditioners and wondered how they differ from each other. Let me tell you more about the differences of each.

Water Filter
Water filter is a general topic. Basically, it is a device that can get rid of particles and sediments from your water. It is much better than a screen or a sifter although it may look like it.


There are various types of water filters. The most common ones is what they call a point-of-use filter. It uses various materials such as carbon, metallic alloy, ceramic or filtration membranes. These materials provide a barrier for visible sediments and particles but they can also help get rid of corrosive minerals in your H20.

Water Purifier
A H20 purifier basically works by getting rid of unseen elements in your water such as contaminants and chemicals. It gets rid of chlorine, bacteria, virus, fungi and parasites to name a few.

It can also double as a water filter. Some manufacturing companies produce H20 filters plus H20 purifiers that gets rid of visible and non-visible particles and elements.

Water Softener
A water softener is used to soften up "hard" water. We say water is hard when it contains hard minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and ferrous iron ion.

The process of H20 softening depends on the device. Commonly, companies develop devices that can exchange places with hard ions to soften the water up. Zeolites are the most common mineral that can exchange ions with hard minerals which is why it is often employed as a water softener.

Water Conditioner
Water conditioners work in much the same way as water softeners. It helps soften up H20 but instead of exchanging ions, it alters the crystallisation process of Magnesium and Calcium. This lessens their corrosiveness. This process is the least used purification process as some people do not deem them effective in making water safe to drink.

There are reliable companies that provide all these methods in one purification system. They best each other when it comes to the efficacy of their methods and systems.

It is indeed a boon that most of the purification companies today are reliable. You just have to sift through your choices and single out one particular company that can install water purifiers in your home to achieve the best results. You can actually taste the difference in your H20.

What is the Major Difference Between a Filter, Purifier, Softener Or Conditioner?


Tips For Water Heater Installation

An easy home improvement task that you can do all on your own is installing a hot water heater. When your water heater breaks down and you need a new one, do not pay someone to install it. Go ahead and install it yourself. It is not too difficult and you do not even have to have any plumbing experience to do it. Just read through the directions below before getting started and if you feel confident then give it a try. If you still are weary then enlist some help. You do not want to be stuck without hot water too long.

Step One


The first thing you will do is remove your old water heater. All you need to do turn off the electric or gas running to it. Drain the water from it, remembering it is hot, so be careful. Disconnect it from the electric or gas and the water pipes. Be careful with the pipes as they could still have hot water in them. Now you can move it out of the way.

Step Two

Move the new water heater into place. Be careful not to be too rough with it. It has parts inside that can be damaged by too much rough movement. Make sure it is close enough to the pipes to be hooked up. And connect the water pipes. You can consult the owners manual if the hook up is different from your old water heater. It is easy to tell a wrong hook up because your cold water will be hot and your hot water will be cold.

Step Three

Lastly you will connect the electric or gas. Once it is connected turn back on the power. You may need to consult the owners manual for how to hook up power, so you do it correctly.

That is all there is to it. It is rather simply to hook up a new water heater. Basically all you do is reverse the steps of unhooking your old water heater. If you have any issues than just consult the owners manual of your new water heater. You should find this is something you can do in matter of minutes without the need for complicated tools or compressors. Just make sure you have a dolly to use to remove the old water heater and bring in the new water heater as they can be quite heavy. Also make sure you contact local authorities on how to dispose of your old water heater.

Tips For Water Heater Installation


Saturday, September 10, 2011

Rheem RET 13 Electric Tankless Water Heater Review

Rheem RET 13 Electric Tankless Water Heater delivers you hot water of 4 gallons per minute. It holds enough to deliver a person enough warm water supply to finish off with good shower. The Rheem RET 13 Electric Tankless is compact in size and comes in lightweight and it does not create annoying sounds when heating up.

This can be easily installed by the homeowners. It's an economical, energy efficient water heater product that can be installed in small houses and apartments for its usability. It can also be used as a seasonal backup unit that saves on oil use during the summer months - especially in the northern US.


Rheem RET 13 Electric Tankless Water Heater Price

The Rheem RET 13 Electric Tankless Heater costs 2.00, which includes shipping. There may be other electrical and plumbing materials required for installation that are not included with this unit.

Usage Considerations

At 4 gallons per minute, the Rheem RET 13 Electric Tankless Heater is a low capacity unit. It can service one shower at a time with this water heater and it will not be able to leave the sink running while in the shower.

• Typical Shower 1.5 to 2.0 GPM Max. 2.5 GPM
• Typical Bath Tub Faucet 2.0 to 3.0 GPM
• Bathroom Vanity Sink Faucet 0.5 to 1.5 GPM
• Kitchen Sink Faucet 1.0 o 2.2 GPM
• Washer 1.5 to 3.0 GPM

This water heater is very quiet and easy to install. Also, if you have hard water then you should purchase a water softener.

Specifications & Regulations

• Plumbing connections: ½ inch NPT - Minimum flow rate ½ gallon per minute
• Electrical Specifications: 240 volts, Breaker Requirements 60 Amp (1), Max Power 54 Amp, AWG Wire 6
• External temperature control
• LED's indicate active element and standby mode
• Rugged brass/ copper heat exchanger
• Minimum activation flow rate: 0.4 GPM
• Maximum flow rate: 4 GPM
• Efficient hot water flow in up to a 60 degree water temperature rise from incoming water

Several of the consumers who left reviews, mention that the Rheem RET 13 was easy to install. This is an economical, energy efficient product that can be used in small houses or apartments. It can also be used as a seasonal backup unit that saves on oil use during the summer months - especially in the northern US.

This is a compact, quiet electric tankless heater. The Rheem RET 13 is easy to install and if selected for the correct circumstances can be very satisfying. You will need to study your water usage carefully before purchasing this unit in order that you don't purchase too small a capacity water heater. If you do, however, match this unit with you needs correctly, you will be pleased.

Rheem RET 13 Electric Tankless Water Heater Review


Water Softener Salts: Learn Something About Them

The water softener salts make the hard water completely soft and perfect for household chores. A softener converts the magnesium and calcium contents of hard water to sodium ions. Hence, choosing the best group of salts is very important. The following article will give you a brief review about the various types available to make you be able to understand which is the one that best suits your needs.

water softener resin

The three types of water softener salts


The salts come in three types and forms - evaporated, solar and rock. These three types vary according to their sodium chloride content. Evaporated salts are obtained by underground mining. The underground salt deposits are obtained by drying up the moisture content and extracting the salt from them. The solar form is obtained by evaporating the sea water. The rock form on the other hand is directly obtained from the ground.

Choose the right type of salt by understanding how the act

A very important factor to be considered before choosing the right type of salt amongst the three types available, is the amount of salt you need to use. The type and the amount depend on the hardness of the water. The more amount of minerals the hard water contains, the more amount of salts will be required. Different types of water softener salts have different levels of solubility. The more of insoluble elements the salts consist the more difficult it will be to clean the system. Regeneration becomes very important. The rock form consists the maximum amount of insoluble elements. They will need a lot of softener care and protection. The evaporated form is also a very good option. They do not consist of any kind of soluble elements. The solar form is also a favorable option, as long as the hardness level of your water is not very severe. If you happen to own a standard low-price water softener system it will be better to go for the soluble option. This will prevent your system from getting spoiled or damaged. A very important note: always read the instructions before opting for a particular type of salt.

Salt replacement frequency

The frequency and the need to change the salts depends on the hardness of the water. Make sure that the system is always half full. You will only have to check the supply once in a month. Just be very careful about what type of water softener salts your water softener system needs.

Water Softener Salts: Learn Something About Them


Protect Your Appliances With The Best Water Softeners

Fed up with hard water stains on your sink and bathroom? How about endless maintenance bills on your dishwashers and washing machines due to clogged pipes and harsh chemicals in the water? Hard water may not seem to be that much of a problem when you hear about them, but wait till you experience all the havoc it can and then you will realize how much of a pain it is.

Everybody who uses tap water at home is not safe from the effects of hard water since pretty much the community water supply is, by nature, hard water. The only way for us to dodge the bullet and stay away from its damaging effects is by installing the best water softener on the market today. If you are counting the number of bad effects of hard water to our homes and health, then that's exactly the same number of solutions a good system can give.


Although the best water softener is not that cheap, investing on these kinds of things will prove to be beneficial in the long run as there will be fewer bills to pay whether if it's for cleaning, maintenance and repair, or keeping everyone in the family healthy. For those who are dealing with a tight budget, there are quite a few alternatives to water softeners like filters that are attached directly on the faucet instead of an entire system. Some of the advantages of these systems are reducing if not completely eliminating the hard water spots, soap scum, and crystal deposits on the tubes and pipes of the house. Soft water is also known to have good effects on fabric softening and color care, and will also leave your body silky soft without the slimy feeling after taking a bath or shower.

The demand for an apartment water softener is increasing as more and more people are opting to live in apartments due to high prices on real estate. Apartments, especially old ones, are known for their dreaded hard water supply hence any person that is particular to health issues and cleanliness will get a lot of mileage out of having an apartment water softener.

There are a lot of companies claiming they have the best water softener on the market today; among these is the aquaguard water softener which has good reviews all over the net. There are a lot more brands, so if you are planning to get one, make sure to do your research and pick one that best suits your needs and your budget.

Protect Your Appliances With The Best Water Softeners


Friday, September 9, 2011

Reliance 6 6 SOMS K 6 Gallon Compact Electric Water Heater Review

Looking for a light and easy to install water heating system? Then the Reliance 6 6 SOMS K 6 Gallon Compact Electric Water Heater could be the right one for you. It is an ideal water heating system that is being used for mobile homes, trailers, RVs and as an inline, point-of-use booster. This model delivers hot water from the main line in as fast as 1 to 2 seconds.

Reliance 6 6 SOMS K 6 Gallon Compact Electric Water Heater Price


The price is quite reasonable and because it's not very large in size, you can even buy it online and have it shipped to your home without paying an arm and a leg.

Usage Considerations

Be certain you register your Reliance 6 6 SOMS K 6 Gallon Compact Electric Water Heater in order to keep your warranty in full effect. There is a warranty claim form available on the Reliance website.

If you use a salt-based water softener, flush your water system at least once a year by shutting off your water softener for 2 weeks. This will allow the water to clean out all corrosive salt deposits in the water heater. You could shut off the water softener for a week in the summer and then again for a week in the winter, but be certain to flush for 2 weeks per year.

Specifications & Regulations

Size: 15 1/4" tall, 14 1/8" diameter
Weight: 35 lbs (37 lbs shipping weight)
Single stainless steel heating element, 120 Volt, 1650 watt)
6 gallon glass lined tank (tube shape))
Factory installed temperature and pressure relief valve)
Side mounted cold water inlet and hot water outlet for easy installation)
6 year warranty on tank and parts)
Recharge complete 6 gallons in 30 minutes)
R-Value 16,000)
4,500 watts/ hour input)
External thermostat and heat adjustment switch)
Drain valve on the side at the bottom of the water heater (threaded to take a hose)

These types of systems are becoming more and more popular as the ways in which they can be used has increased.

Overall, this unit is a great solution for those areas where you need to add a more reliable source of immediately hot water but don't want to install a full tank unit.

Check out how the Reliance 6 6 SOMS K 6 Gallon Compact Electric Water Heater compares with other water heaters. See the complete details of the review at Water Heater Reviews.

Reliance 6 6 SOMS K 6 Gallon Compact Electric Water Heater Review


How Does Hard Water Affect Domestic Appliances? The Benefits of Using an Electronic Water Descaler

More than 60% of Britain suffers from the effects of hard water*.

What is hard water?


"Hard" water is the term used to describe water that has a high content of dissolved minerals, specifically calcium and magnesium. It is not a health risk but can cause a variety of other problems.

Problems associated with living in a hard water area include:

Hard water can affect soap, shampoo and detergent performance, they produce less lather which then requires the use of more soap/detergent/ shampoo. This is harmful to the environment. Your hair may appear dull. Skin feels dry. Clothes are more difficult to rinse. Deposits of scum can make fabrics feel coarse. Scale combined with soap equals scum - this clings to baths, basins, tiles & taps etc making cleaning more difficult and time consuming.
Hidden costs

When heated hard water can leave deposits of scale at a rate of 1.5mm per year. This cause boilers and tanks to lose capacity and pipes to narrow. Government statistics demonstrate that 6mm of scale can reduce the efficiency of your heating system by up to 38%. This has obvious cost and environmental implications. An average domestic boiler could cost more than £1,000 to replace. The build up of 'limescale' reduces both the performance and life expectancy of domestic appliances that heat water including your iron, dishwasher and washing machine. This has a knock on effect for the running costs of your home. The extra cost of limescale removers, fabric softeners and detergents can equate to more than £200 per year. Your washing machine may need around five times as much soap and up to 30% more detergent if you live in a hard water area.
How to minimise the effects of hard water

Use the correct soaps and detergents. Use a lower temperature setting for your boiler, dishwasher and washing machine. Install an electronic descaler to soften the water.
The benefits of an electronic water descaler

Substantially reduce "scum" marks on sinks, baths & kettles. Chemical free solution to water softening. No moving parts, fit and forget. No need for regular refilling or maintenance. Self-monitoring, will indicate any system fault, internally or externally. Avoid using more of environmentally damaging cleaning materials that become less effective in hard water. Does not effect the chemical composition of the water, is healthy to drink. Relatively low cost solution. All the benefits attributed to softer water, kinder to skin etc. Less Detergent Required Reduce Heating Costs. Avoid using increasingly more fuel to drive the system as scale reduces flow. No tricky installation, easy to attach, & plug into standard power outlet. Avoid having to prematurely replace pipe-work, boilers, storage tanks, radiators, showers, washing machines, etc. due to scale build-up.
How soon will I notice the benefits

Once installed, the unit will begin to soften the water and prevent further build up of limescale. Deposits built up over many years take longer to eliminate but will disappear as softer water passes through the pipes, this process can take a few months but when you consider that the deposits have taken decades to build up, it is a relatively quick process.

* To see a map of hard water areas in the UK go to www.dishwasher-care.org.uk/facts.html.

How Does Hard Water Affect Domestic Appliances? The Benefits of Using an Electronic Water Descaler


Kenmore Water Softener - Is The Kenmore The Top Choice To Help You Achieve Optimum Health?

Today, many people are buying the Kenmore water softener for their home in order to improve their health. With the amount of harmful chemicals and bacteria in our water supply, it is absolutely essential to have a purifier or softener of some sort in order to eliminate them and give you crisp, clean drinking water.

water softener resin

Kenmore water softeners range from the inexpensive Ultra soft 175 water softener to the top-of-the-range 880 model, with all the gradients in between. The Ultra soft 175 is perfect for a small household with average water hardness.


Regeneration is initiated on demand, and it includes a usage increase option button to cover you if you have guests. It is operated via computer, which is set upon installation.

It has a six-hour memory in case of a power failure and comes with a one-year guarantee on electrics and ten years on the tank. At the other end of the Kenmore spectrum is the sophisticated Ultra soft 880, which is capable of softening the water of large households with hard water.

The Kenmore water softener is responsible for providing crystal clear good tasting water free from chemical contaminants and other impurities. It also gives great water for cooking, drinking, beverages and baby formula. There should be no compromise in water intake as water is the medium for digestion, absorption, and metabolism.

The Kenmore water softener prevents scale build-up on plumbing and appliances, encourages soaps to lather better and work more efficiently, increases the softness and overall life of fabric, and makes housework quicker and easier. It gives soft water for clean conditioned soft water for all of your household cleaning, laundry and bathing needs.

Kenmore includes a comprehensive section on the benefits of soft water. It prevents scale build-up on plumbing and appliances, encourages soaps to lather better and work more efficiently, increases the softness and overall life of fabric, and makes housework quicker and easier.

A Kenmore water softener features the following:

Dependable Controls: State-of-the-art electronics for dependable performance.

Rotary Disc Valve: Conserves water fewer parts, maintenance-free operation and is cost effective.

Quality Materials and Workmanship: 1 to 3 years warranty on parts.

Durable Resin and Salt Storage Tank: Corrosion resistant.

Therefore, if you are in the market for a new water softener, the Kenmore water softener should certainly be a priority to check out. Is it right of you? Only you can make that determination. Do your research, compare more water softeners, and find the best one for your health now.

Kenmore Water Softener - Is The Kenmore The Top Choice To Help You Achieve Optimum Health?


Thursday, September 8, 2011

Wasting Water Vs Conserving Water

Water is important, but it is also abundant. Or so most of us tend to think since we always have steady water supply. But H2O is not as abundant as you think, and scientists fear that at some point, the earth's H2O supply will be depleted. If you think you're not contributing to this possibility, think again. There are many ways water can be wasted, and you might be guilty of most of them.

How you might be wasting water


1. Leaving the water running when doing certain tasks

This is a common way of wasting water, which some people are not even aware of doing. This is commonly done when people brush teeth, wash their face, or wash the dishes. Sometimes, out of sheer habit, people simply forget to turn the water off. Try to be conscious of your actions when using water. Shut off the faucet when brushing your teeth or soaping the dishes, then turn it on for rinsing.

2. Using a dishwasher

If you think using a dishwasher can keep water from getting wasted, then you're in for a surprise. Make sure you use your dishwasher properly; if not you will waste more water than you realize. Run your dishwasher only when it is full. It would also help to look for an Energy Star qualified dishwasher.

3. Showering and shaving

A lot of men and women leave the water on while shaving to have water ready when it's needed. What you can do, however, is fill the sink halfway with water then turn off the faucet. Also, while putting conditioner on your hair, you can turn off the shower while waiting for your hair to get conditioned.

4. Washing cars

Using a hose when washing cars can waste a lot of H2O. If you want to conserve water, use a bucket of water instead then use the hose for the final rinsing. And if you have a lawn, washing the car on the lawn will also water the lawn in the process, saving you even more water.

5. Leaking pipes

Do a regular check up of all your pipes, faucets, and toilets to make sure there are no leaks. Leaks can waste a lot of water. You may think that leaks are insignificant since they only release small droplets of water anyway. But it does so constantly. In an entire day that a leak is left unattended, you already waste up to around 200 gallons of water. If you see a leak in any of your pipes, faucets, or toilets, make sure to have it fixed as soon as possible.

6. Throwing stuff into the toilets

Do not throw anything into your toilets. Toilet bowls are not garbage cans. Some people throw tissue paper, hair, dead insects, and so on into toilet bowls then flush them down. This is an unnecessary use of toilet water.

Conserve water with help

You can get help in conserving water so you can save a lot at home, which will also help you save money in the process. What you can do is buy efficient water appliances such as low-flow showerheads and faucets. For water treatment systems, choose a unit that prevents backwashing, which wastes a lot of water. And to save energy as well, look for Energy Star qualified products such as water treatment systems.

Wasting Water Vs Conserving Water


Descaling Metal Water Pipes - Reviews

There are several methods for internal pipe descaling. It is essential to gain some insights on what these different types of water pipe descalers are in order for you to correctly get the ideal one that is well suited for you; based on your intended purpose. Water with a high salt or mineral content has numerous damaging effects.

It is for this reason that water descalers were made in order to reduce or eliminate the mineral content present in the water to get rid of its negative effects. However, it is important to note that there are also salt-based water softeners that contribute to this problem; therefore the ideal type is the salt free type of water softener.


One of the numerous types of descalers is the magnetic one. This involves the use of several magnets that are strategically placed in various places of a metallic water pipe. This system is said to be effective in preventing scale build-up inside the pipe; as well as soften the water. The cost of each magnet is quite expensive; and if you have a long pipe run then the required amount of investment is going to be quite huge. Because of this, only big companies are using this type.

The other type is the electric descaler that uses an electric pulse; sent through the water in order to effectively minimize or prevent scale build-up. Although this method seems effective in minimizing such build-up, the claim that it will also eliminate dissolved metals is dubious.

Reverse Osmosis is another type that is quite popular and common; mainly because this method has been used for several years already. This was first used for the purpose of desalinating sea water in order to make it potable and safe for drinking. This method is well known for providing excellent quality drinking water; that is why this is prevalent in many places today.

The electro-magnetic water descaler is another type; which is like a combination between the two other types: the electric and the magnetic. Hence, the principle behind this method is the combination of both the aforesaid two types. This is quite effective in preventing scale build-up; as well as in softening the water to some extent.

Water system descalers are not generally used in many households today because of the use of copper or plastic piping, but they are used on steel or iron pipes which are found in older homes. Filtering the incoming supply of water with a whole house filtration system will solve this problem with numerous other benefits.

Descaling Metal Water Pipes - Reviews


Water Treatment Magnets Are Useful In Cleaning The Water

Water magnets are one way to treat hard water, when the water passes through the magnetic pull the minerals (calcium, and magnesium). The stronger the magnetic field the better your water is affected. This will reduce your costs for pipers and other systems because it is said that it will minimize your blockage caused from the minerals building up in your water system.

No more itchy skin!


Since the water treatment magnets will collect a lot of the minerals from your water that makes your water hard, you should notice that your water would change. Like you will notice that your skin no longer has a residue or your skin won't itch as much any more. It will help you with your skin conditions.

When you compare this system with a salt solution system, magnets will be healthier for your family and plants because when you use a water softener (salt) you are putting large amounts of salt for your animal or family to drink, which can be deadly if consumed in large amounts. Salt will dehydrate you.

Usually people who have town water will use the magnets because there is chloride in the water and, it is said to be caught, by the magnetic system. For decades, people have been using this system to treat their water so that they can reduce the hardness caused by large amounts of calcium and magnesium. It also will de-scale your pipe and system build up.

Removing the icons

All you have to do is attach it to the intake water pipe and you will see and feel a difference. You can use them on copper and plastic pipes and you can attach the magnets by using wire, duct tape, a clamp, or even string. You want to place the magnetic between the main valve and the water heater and you may place another one on the pipe that allows the water to exit from the water heater. This way you are sure to remove some of the icons.

Hundreds of people use the magnets to help soften their water and have claimed that they can feel and even taste a difference in water. However there is some controversy on rather it reduces the amount of minerals are just neutralize them from showing their true colors.

However, it is proven that you will notice a different when you are showing or bathing. You may want to purchase drinking water; even though it won't really cause that, much harm to you, but it may taste funny or have a smell.

Water Treatment Magnets Are Useful In Cleaning The Water


Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Total Hardness and Water Quality

Most adults have learned that water can be soft or hard. They have learned, too, that there is a connection between total hardness and water quality. Hard water reduces the power of your soap. In fact, hard water is often detected by noting the amount of soap required to form lather. Hard water may build up in hot water pipes and appliances, producing scale.

Hard Water Defined


Hard water is water that contains high levels of dissolved calcium, magnesium, and other mineral salts such as iron. The greater the amount of dissolved minerals in the water, the harder it is.

Total hardness is measured in grains per gallon (gpg) or parts per million (ppm). If water contains less than 3.5 gpg, it is considered soft water. If it contains more than 7 gpg, it is considered hard water. The American Society of Engineers' water hardness classification table breaks it down this way.

* Soft: 0 to 3.5 gpg - 0 to 60 ppm

* Moderate: 3.6 to 7 gpg - 61 to 120 ppm

* Hard: 7.1 to 10.5 gpg - 121 to 180 ppm

* Very Hard: More than 10.5 gpg - more than 180 ppm

Making the Connection

Total hardness and water quality are connected. Hard water is safe for drinking, cooking, and other household uses, but it can cause problems.

One way in which total hardness and water quality are connected is the effect of such water on household plumbing. Total hardness means a build-up of scales inside pipes, especially those carrying hot water.

Total hardness and water quality are also connected in their effect on appliances that use water. Dishwashers and washing machines can decrease in cleaning and laundering ability. Water heaters can become less efficient. Refrigerators that dispense water can become clogged.

Aesthetically, total hardness and water quality are connected in those white, chalky deposits that accumulate on tubs, sinks, and cookware.

U.S. Water Quality

According to the 1997 National Water Quality Survey, 1 of 5 people surveyed in the U.S. is dissatisfied with the water quality in his or her home. This is related to the fact given by the U.S. Geological Survey: that 85 percent of the U.S. has hard water. Many people install water softeners in their homes to improve water quality.

Determining Water Quality

You can have your water quality tested if you are moving into a new area or a new home. If you have been living in the same home for a while, you will know if your water is hard by looking for these 7 signs:

1. You have difficulty working up lather from a bar of soap.

2. Your soaps and detergents don't seem to clean well - you have dingy laundry in spite of your efforts to get it clean.

3. In the shower or bath, your soap leaves a film on your body and hair - you have dry skin and dull, limp hair.

4. You have to battle soap scum on bathtubs, shower tiles and doors, basins, and fixtures.

5. You see an increasing buildup of scale on your cookware such as tea kettle, coffee maker, and pasta pot. Your plumbing also contains scale.

6. Clogged pipes or appliances mean that water flow is reduced.

7. Your water heating costs are increasing due to scale buildup and mineral deposits, and you have to replace hot water heating elements more often.

Improving Water Quality

Treatment can improve water quality. You may use electromagnetic water conditioners, water filters, or water softeners.

Electromagnetic water conditioners improve water quality by sending water through a magnetic field. As the water passes between the magnets, its calcium and magnesium ions lose their scale-causing properties. Studies show that this relatively new invention does not technically soften water, but water quality is improved in that it no longer causes buildup of scales. Clothing also lasts longer, which is a definite increase in water quality.

Water filters are a second option for improving water quality, especially drinking water. Water filters can provide healthy drinking water by removing chlorine and other contaminants contained in water. Water filters can soften water, but they will not prevent scale buildup in pipes and water heaters.

Water softeners are a common way of improving water quality, and come in two types: chemical and mechanical. The water produced by chemical water softeners is not acceptable drinking water. Packaged chemicals are added directly to improve water quality in laundering and bathing, and are effective both in protecting clothing and guarding against dry skin and hair. Mechanical water softeners installed in your home will replace dissolved calcium and magnesium salts with sodium. This water is also not acceptable for drinking, especially by those who have hypertension. The water quality is greatly improved, however, for other uses. Lime scale is prevented; water heaters function efficiently; and laundered clothing is both cleaner and longer-lasting.

Soft Water

On the other end of the spectrum, total hardness and water quality are a benefit when that hardness level is below 3.5 gpg or 60 ppm. Soft water allows you to use less shampoo and soap, yet have shinier hair and softer skin. Soft water requires less soap or detergent in shower, laundry, kitchen, and household cleaning chores. It helps close look cleaner and last longer. It keeps water-using appliances and plumbing from wearing out as fast. Soft water keeps dishes and eating utensils spot-free, and extends the life of tea kettles and other cookware. Soft water reduces cleaning time by eliminating soap scum and buildup of scales.

Total hardness and water quality are closely connected, and you may find it worthwhile to use a water treatment system to improve your water quality - especially your drinking water.

Total Hardness and Water Quality


Culligan Water Filters Review

There are many types of Culligan water filters, but only three models have managed to inch their way up to the top ratings. These are: the Gold Series Culligan, the Iron Cleer Culligan and the Super S Culligan. Other water filter models from Culligan include the Filtr Cleer, built to segregate large portions of dirt, clay, soil and sediments from the water; the Cullar, which specializes in the removal of chlorine smell and taste from the water; and the Cullneu, which aims to control or neutralize the acidity in water. Conclusively, there is a Culligan model for every type of need - one of the great things about the Culligan is its highly customizable feature.

Specifically, the Culligan US-EZ-4 Undersink Filter passed the Consumer Search Review with flying colors, grabbing first place in the under-sink category of water filtration systems. This model is primarily easy to install and home owners have found that other brands of similar features do require professional service installations. The effective filtering results in great tasting water. The filters last longer than other types of filters, lasting up to six months - commeasurate to 500 gallons of water.


Culligan water filters have their own drawbacks as well. Once you have purchased a Culligan, you are locked into using the Culligan brand of replacement filters which could cost a bit more than the others. Another setback is the reported breakage of some plastic parts, which renders the Culligan not very durable. Other consumers also find that the annual service contract is slightly expensive therefore, it is wise to read the contract thoroughly before signing up for a yearly service membership.

In totality, the performance of most Culligan models is satisfactory and answers to three of the average consumer's biggest concerns: easy installation, effective filtration and good tasting water. The plastic faucet in some of the models has been received negative feedback though, and the mediocre quality of the plastic used needs to be upgraded.

Culligan Water Filters Review


How to Select a Water Filter Part 3: Sediment Filters

In part 3 of How to Select a Water Filter, we'll finish the sediment filter category by grappling with some of the more difficult sediment issues and by identifying some misunderstood water issues that simply don't belong to the sediment category. Let's start by discussing micron rating. A micron is a metric unit of measurement, and is extremely small. There are 25,400 microns in one inch. As it relates to water filters, the smaller the micron number, the smaller the pores in the water filter. Avoid the classic mistake of starting too small. Many people think if five microns is good, one micron is better. That's not really true. If you begin too tight, your system will suffer from pressure loss due to clogging. Choosing the correct micron rating is entirely about your unique sediment. If you have sand that's large enough to be visually identified, then you probably don't need a 1 micron filter. Sand granules are anywhere from 75 to 150 microns, so a 50 micron water filter will be just right to handle your sediment problem. If, however, you have ultra fine sediment that feels slippery to the touch and is so tiny that you are unable to visually identify a single particle, you almost certainly require something much tighter. As a standard rule, begin loose and work down tighter until you get the desired effect. For those installing new systems, purchase multiple cartridges with varying micron ratings so you can experiment and discover what works and what doesn't. Don't be scared to experiment! If you own an industry standard size water filter housing you are not locked in to a single variety of water filter cartridge. For complicated reasons outside the scope of this article, one variety of media may perform better than another, so if you're unhappy with the results of one cartridge, simply try a different one. Even if your water filter performs well, you can always test drive new filters to find better performance.

For difficult sediment issues, you may require multi-stage filtration. This involves multiple water filter housings with lower micron rating water filters in each successive filter stage. This is required in situations where there is a broad range of sediment sizes. Perhaps you own a well that spews both sand (large particle) and silt (small particle), and though it may be possible to accomplish decent filtration with merely one water filter housing, you will have much better results from a two stage system. In some situations the particle size isn't as obvious, but if you have heavy amounts of sediment in the 5-50 micron range, you may find a single 5 micron cartridge is the best way to obtain the level of quality you desire, but you probably need to change the water filters frequently because of clogging issues. In this situation a dual water filter system with a 25 micron followed by a 5 micron will provide significantly better results. Another circumstance would be water coming from a pond or stream that has large organic matter that could be filtered out with a RUSCO spin down sediment filter followed by a two stage water filter. Each circumstance is unique, but complicated sediment issues can typically be resolved with a multi-stage water filter system.


The sediment category wouldn't be complete until automatic backwashing sediment filters are discussed. These are systems that are usually 40-50 inches high with a control valve on top of the tank. They look similar to an ordinary water softener. These systems do not use water filter cartridges, and need little maintenance. The precise filter media depends on the brand, but they do basically the same thing. They remove sediment down to a particular micron size, and then they backwash the filter media based on time or total water usage.

In addition to real sediment issues, there are other water problems commonly mistaken as sediment issues. The first is mineral hardness or hard water. This is water that has high levels of minerals that precipitate out of the water and form scale. The scale flakes off and causes problems by clogging faucet screens and is typically misunderstood as a sediment problem. It is possible for a sediment filter to capture this flaky scale, but it will not address the real issue. Hard water is best handled by a water softener. The second mistaken issue is iron bearing water which is often misunderstood to be a sediment issue, but it really isn't.

That's all for the sediment category. In our next article we will address the taste & odor category.

How to Select a Water Filter Part 3: Sediment Filters


Water Softener Systems: Learn How They Work

Hard water can be very harmful and difficult to use. It can clog the pipes, reduce the lather producing quality of soap and can react with soap to create a sticky scum. It is not at all useful for household purposes.

water softener

Hence, water softening by installing water softener systems is very essential. Hard water contains magnesium and calcium. This leads to its unproductive ability. By using one of these systems, you can very easily get rid of these problems. They replace the magnesium and calcium ions in the hard water with sodium ions. The sodium ions reduce the chances of pipe blockage and reduction in the formation of soap lather. The following article will give you a detailed review about the working of water softener systems.


The basic functioning of these softeners is very simple. The water in the house runs through a pipe system imbibed with small plastic beads. The plastic beads are made up of zeolite which is nothing but sodium ions. As the water touches these beads the magnesium and calcium ions are replaced with sodium ions. The beads in the softener need to be changed in periodic intervals because the zeolite in the systems wears out eventually. As the zeolite wears out there is nothing but magnesium and calcium ions left on the plastic beads. This acts against the ability of water filtration systems and makes the water hard once again. This is when the chemical matrix or the zeolite from the systems needs to be regenerated.

Regeneration is a very simple process. As mentioned earlier the sodium ions from the plastic beads wear out, hence, the plastic beads have to be soaked in a stream or a solution of sodium ions. You must have noticed that water softener systems are usually loaded with salt. As we all know salt is a very good and strong example of sodium chloride and that is why we fill them with salt. As we pour the salt, the water treatment system mixes up a brine strong solution with the salt and flushes the solution through the beads and the zeolite. The brine solution flushed through the system once again replaces the magnesium and calcium ions with sodium ions. The remaining brine, calcium and magnesium ions are flushed through the drainage pipe of the softener. Please note that water softener systems can emit around 25 gallons i.e. 95 liters of salty water. This happens especially after regenerating the systems. People who happen to have lead pipes should make it a point to remove the lead pipes from their systems and replace them with ordinary pipes. Lead pipes in water softener systems may disturb the entire flow of water and result in the wearing out of lead.

Thus, we see that by installing water softener systems we can ensure a very safe and healthy atmosphere for ourselves.

Water Softener Systems: Learn How They Work


Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Water Softeners - An Absolute Must For Hard Water

Many regions of the world have only hard water and this in fact is not very good for our health or life style. Hard water contains extreme levels of dissolved minerals like calcium and magnesium which are harmful to us. It influences all household chores like cooking, washing and bathing. As a result the laundry will not be clean, dishes have spots on them and so on. The best solution to this problem is to soften the water with the aid of softeners.

water softener shower head

Soft water on the other hand is extremely good for your body, health and for household chores. There are no spots left on your dishes and it is also good for your pipes as they prevent them from clogging. Everything is cleaned better with this. So the best thing would be to soften hard water with softeners.


This can be done with the aid of water rocks which can be procured from any departmental store. But you have to know the exact amount that has to be used as too much of this is harmful and will only injure your water system.

It is best to get people who are skilled in this area to apply these water softeners to your hard water as they will know the correct amount that has to be added to make it soft. You will have to repeat this process as and when required and it all depends on how hard your water is.

You will find that your drinking water has a better taste and is absolutely odorless after this treatment is done. The water also becomes crystal clear and it will be good for your home in every possible way. It is only after you begin using soft water that you realize how bad the previous stuff was for you.

Among the popular brands of water softeners, Krystal Pure and Cole Massey are brands that are commonly used.

Water Softeners - An Absolute Must For Hard Water


Effects Of Water Softener Discharge on Septic Systems

There are over 20 million households in the United States currently using on-site septic systems, and that number appears to be growing. We get many questions from our customers as to what effect (if any) water softener discharge has on a these systems. With such a wide range of information and opinions available, we felt that it was appropriate to examine some of the studies on this topic, and try to accurately present an overview of current understanding.

water softener resin

The Septic System and Water Softening Process


Septic system function is very straightforward. Your homes plumbing is piped into a in-ground storage tank. When wastewater enters this tank, the heavier solids settle to the bottom. Bacteria present in the storage tank digest the solids, breaking it down to a liquid. After this process is complete, relatively clear water is discharged from the primary tank into a second holding tank or distribution box. Water then re-enters the surrounding soil through a drainage field consisting of perforated underground piping.

The water softening process is accomplished by a chemical cation exchange that replaces the calcium and magnesium in your water with a equivalent number of sodium or potassium ions. During the softening process, your household water passes through the resin bed, and the magnesium and calcium contained in the water are removed. A given sized resin bed has a fixed capacity to remove hardness before it needs to be regenerated to full capacity in order to continue to provide softened water (for example, one cubic foot of resin has the ability to remove 32,000 grains of hardness from your water). When the resin bed is nearing exhaustion, the control valve washes the resin bed, and draws salt containing solution from the brine tank through the resin. As the salt contacts the resin bed, the process of ion exchange occurs, and the magnesium and calcium (hardness) that was collected in the bed during operation is washed to drain. After a final rinse to remove the excess salt, the resin bed is again ready to provide softened water.

The concern of discharging water softeners into an on-site septic system arises out of a belief that sodium salts used by water softeners during the regeneration stage - or the increased amount of water entering into the system - may be harmful and possibly cause septic systems to fail. Although there is no scientific data available that supports harmful effects, there have been many investigations into the potential for problems to occur.

The Effect of Sodium Salt on Septic Systems

Common knowledge supports that higher levels of sodium salt can have a direct impact on bacterial life forms. For instance, most bacteria usually found in fresh water ecosystems would be unable to live in a high salinity environment like an ocean. For this reason, concern was generated that septic systems that rely so heavily on bacterial action may be effected by high concentrations of sodium.

These concerns seem to be unwarranted. First, a typical residential sized water softener discharges between 40 and 70 gallons of water per regeneration. Through much of the regeneration process, fresh water is discharged, containing no salt at all, so the total concentration of salt is very dilute. However, during some stages of regeneration, the sodium concentration can reach as high a 5,000 to 10,000 ppm for brief periods of time.

To see if this level of sodium effected microorganisms typically found in aerobic on-site septic systems, a study was performed that exposed these microbes to a worst case scenario of 10,000 ppm brine solution. The study concluded that "there were no statistically significant differences in the metabolic activity of the microbial community", and that it was "unlikely that failures in domestic water treatment system are the result of exposure to the brine from home water softeners." (1)

Other studies indicate that the effect of putting softened water into septic system can actually be beneficial. There is a very low amount of sodium contained in softened water. For every grain of hardness removed, approximately 8 ppm (parts per million) of sodium is added. Although some naturally occurring water sources have very high sodium levels, softened water normally has a slightly elevated sodium level vs. untreated hard water. While this concentration is normally insignificant at typical hardness levels, these higher sodium levels are more in the optimal range for septic system bacterial growth, and can promote bacterial development.(2,7)

The Effect of Increased Water Volume from Water Softeners on Septic Systems
While the volume of water discharged by a water softener during the regeneration process will vary depending on water pressure, pipe diameter, and softener design, water softeners typically use 40 to 70 gallons of water during regeneration. Questions have been raised as to what effect this increased volume of water (hydraulic load) may have on septic system performance. Did the flow rate and volume of water softener entering the system during water softener regeneration adversely effect the normal settling process, and allow solids to enter the drain field?

Investigations by NSF International determined that the additional volume of water due to softener regeneration is not sufficient to cause any harm to septic tank systems. In fact, water softener regeneration flow rate and volume is lower than the typical discharge from an automatic washing machine.(3) Further, old style "time clock" based water softeners regenerated as set on a calendar basis, normally one to two times per week - the newer generation of metered (on demand) water softeners measure household water consumption, and only regenerate as needed - this further reduces the amount of water discharged into the septic system.

The Effect of Water Softener Salt Discharge on Percolation in Septic Drain Fields

There has been some anecdotal evidence that sodium added to septic systems by a water softener may have negative effects on the ability for the drain field soil to percolate properly.

Many studies have been performed to investigate this issue (2,4,6), and seem to indicate that water softener regeneration discharge does not interfere with drain field percolation, but may actually improve percolation in finely textured soils. This may be due to a higher calcium concentration found in softener regeneration discharge. When this "calcium rich" water enters the drain field, it sometimes increased the porosity of the soil (dependent on the type of soil present), improving the percolation process. To further support this finding, gypsum, another calcium rich material, has long been used for this same purpose.

Conclusions and Recommendations

The results of our review are corroborated by a fact sheet published by the Environmental Protection Agency(5), that points out the following:

a) High concentrations of calcium and magnesium in the softener backwash water have no deleterious effect on the biological function occurring in the septic tank and may, in some cases, be helpful.

b) The additional volume of wastewater generated is added slowly to the wastewater stream, and does not cause any hydraulic overload problems.

c) Soil structure in the soil absorption field is positively affected by the calcium and magnesium ions in water softener effluent.

Based on a detailed evaluation of information and studies performed in this area to date, we conclude that water softener regeneration discharge does not negatively impact common on-site aerobic septic systems. Slightly elevated levels of sodium in regeneration discharge do not seem to effect septic system microorganisms, and may indeed benefit the septic process.

Other matters seem to play a much more important role in proper septic tank function. You should always minimize the amount of household cleaners that enter the waste stream. Whenever possible, reduce the use of soap and harsh chemical cleaners, and consider "natural" products containing low levels of phosphates. If you already have a water softener installed, remember that you can reduce the amount of soap use substantially - by as much as 50% to 75% - soap no longer has to work as hard to remove the minerals already removed by a water softener. Avoid using a garbage disposal with an on-site septic, as minimizing these types of organic wastes will reduce the load on the system. And finally, reduce when possible the amount of water flowing into the system from showers, baths, washing machines and dishwashers.

Work in this area is on-going, and a symposium discussing this issue is scheduled for March, 2006 in Chicago. A joint task force has been established between the Water Quality Association (WQA) and the National Onsite Waste Recycling Association (NOWRA) to plan and oversee joint activities and investigate any future findings. Failures of specific on-site septic systems will also be examined by this task force in order to determine the cause.

In conclusion, and after reviewing a range of scientific studies to gain a present-day understanding of this issue, it appears that owners of onsite septic systems can continue to enjoy the benefits that softened water provides, without concerns of system damage.

Effects Of Water Softener Discharge on Septic Systems


GE Water Purification Systems - GE Whole House Water Filters and GE Drinking Water Filter Review

GE appliances are well known for high quality GE water purification systems. You have different options if you are looking at a GE filtration system including whole house filters, bath and shower filters, drinking water filters and more, depending on your individual needs and preferences.

GE Water Filtration System


GE filter systems provide you with clear and clean water for laundry, washing dishes and showering as well as drinking. Filtering reduces sand, rust and sediment, meaning less buildup inside pipes, dishwashers, heaters and other fixtures. GE purification systems have remote magnetic reminder lights so you know when it is time to change the filter.

GE Whole House Water Filters

A GE whole house filter features a heavy duty household sediment filtration system, high flow plumbing connections, a push button pressure relief valve and a remote filter change reminder light. It can last for about three months before it needs to be changed.

You might think that a water filter for the whole house would take up a lot of space but the equipment measures only fourteen inches by eight, so even if you do not have a lot of space, there will be somewhere to install this. You should install this filter at the main inlet so it can reduce sand, rust and sediment. It is best to install this kind of filtration system on the main pipe between your heater and softener.

GE Drinking Water Filter

With GE purification systems, you can choose from single or dual stage carbon filtration, reverse osmosis, faucet mounted filtration or water pitcher filtration, depending on your budget.

Carbon filtration systems have a space-saving design and they reduce the contaminants such as mercury or lead. Faucet mounted filters install in minutes on almost any type of faucet. Water pitcher filter are designed to fit in your refrigerator door. The pitcher works quickly and it keeps for days afterwards in the refrigerator.

The GE water filtration system using reverse osmosis means that any contaminants or pollutants are separated from your drinking water via two carbon filters and a semi-permeable membrane. It can work on particles a hundred thousand times finer than a human hair and RO systems tend to be reliable and low maintenance.

GE Water Purification Systems - GE Whole House Water Filters and GE Drinking Water Filter Review


Monday, September 5, 2011

Water Softeners - Top Tips to Eliminate Hard Water From Your Home in Minutes

Following on from the previous article on water softeners, below is a explanation on the types of water softeners that can be used to minimize the effects of hard water around the home...including the pros and cons of each and the potential health issues that arise.

water softener shower head

Chemical Water Softeners


This is when specific chemicals are added to the water to control water hardness.

The types of chemical that can be used include washing soda and borax. These chemicals form an insoluble precipitate with calcium and magnesium minerals in the water. The mineral ions then cannot interfere with cleaning efficiency, but the precipitate makes the water cloudy and can build up on surfaces. The disadvantage of precipitating water softeners is that they can increase the alkalinity of the water and this may damage skin and other materials being cleaned.

The second type is non-precipitating water softeners use phosphates to collect calcium and magnesium ions. There is no precipitate that is formed and alkalinity is not increased. If used in enough quantity, non-precipitating water softeners will help dissolve soap scum for a period of time.

Mechanical Water Softeners

These are devices that can be permanently installed into the plumbing system to continuously remove calcium and magnesium.

They operate on the ion exchange process in which water passes through a media bed, usually with resin beads that are supersaturated with sodium. The ion exchange process takes place as hard water passes through the softening material. The hardness minerals are collected by the beads while at the same time the sodium on the resin beads is released into the water.

When the beads become saturated with calcium and magnesium, they must be re-newed. The recharging is done by passing a salt solution through the beads. The salt solution which contains sodium replaces the calcium and magnesium minerals in the water which are flushed away.

As explained above, hard water treated with an ion exchange water softener has sodium added. The ion exchange softening process adds sodium at the rate of about 8 mg/liter for each grain of hardness removed per gallon of water. For example, if the water has a hardness of 10 grains per gallon, it will contain about 80 mg/liter of sodium after being softened in an ion exchange water softener if all hardness minerals are removed.

The addition of sodium to the water in these cases is potentially an issue to people with raised blood pressure and some individuals may be advised by their doctor not to install water softeners which use this method. In this case it may be advisable to soften just the hot water, or maybe to bypass the water softener with a cold water pipe to provide unsoftened water that can be used for drinking and cooking.

Next in this series of articles we will discuss the pros and cons of water filters and then magnetic water conditioners with regard to controlling hard water and limescale in our homes. Finally, I will layout a complete overview of water treatment methods discussed so far and explain the approximate cost of each method from installation to electricity running costs.

Water Softeners - Top Tips to Eliminate Hard Water From Your Home in Minutes