Sunday, September 11, 2011

Tips For Water Heater Installation

An easy home improvement task that you can do all on your own is installing a hot water heater. When your water heater breaks down and you need a new one, do not pay someone to install it. Go ahead and install it yourself. It is not too difficult and you do not even have to have any plumbing experience to do it. Just read through the directions below before getting started and if you feel confident then give it a try. If you still are weary then enlist some help. You do not want to be stuck without hot water too long.

Step One


The first thing you will do is remove your old water heater. All you need to do turn off the electric or gas running to it. Drain the water from it, remembering it is hot, so be careful. Disconnect it from the electric or gas and the water pipes. Be careful with the pipes as they could still have hot water in them. Now you can move it out of the way.

Step Two

Move the new water heater into place. Be careful not to be too rough with it. It has parts inside that can be damaged by too much rough movement. Make sure it is close enough to the pipes to be hooked up. And connect the water pipes. You can consult the owners manual if the hook up is different from your old water heater. It is easy to tell a wrong hook up because your cold water will be hot and your hot water will be cold.

Step Three

Lastly you will connect the electric or gas. Once it is connected turn back on the power. You may need to consult the owners manual for how to hook up power, so you do it correctly.

That is all there is to it. It is rather simply to hook up a new water heater. Basically all you do is reverse the steps of unhooking your old water heater. If you have any issues than just consult the owners manual of your new water heater. You should find this is something you can do in matter of minutes without the need for complicated tools or compressors. Just make sure you have a dolly to use to remove the old water heater and bring in the new water heater as they can be quite heavy. Also make sure you contact local authorities on how to dispose of your old water heater.

Tips For Water Heater Installation



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