Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Information on Kinetico Water Softeners

When it comes to detecting hard water, the signs can be quite obvious. That is precisely why it is a little bit easy to determine if you have to soften your water or not. However, the most difficult part is deciding which softener is best for your home, with a starting point being Kinetico water softeners.

The first thing you need to know is how water softeners really work. They are not the same as a water filter either. Basically, filters remove water contaminants while softeners soften hard water by reducing its mineral contents. This is where the transformation from hard to soft water occurs. You have to realize that when it's hard, it usually contains calcium deposits as well as magnesium metal, in some cases, bicarbonates and sulfates.


In order for your tap water to be considered soft, those afore mentioned minerals should be reduced or completely removed. This is where Kinetico water softeners work well. First off, Kinetico's softeners use a three tank system, compared to the two tank systems that standard softeners utilize. Typically, the first tank is the mineral tank, while the second is the brine tank. The third tank is to make it soft, once it has been treated.

The extra tank will allow you to have an almost continuous supply of soft water, where two-tank systems will have you waiting for several minutes to have soft water. This is why many online softener reviews favor Kinetico water softeners. The mineral tank is typically filled with zeolites or polystyrene beads. One great feature of a Kinetico water softener that many individuals love is that it does not use an electric pump. The whole softening process really relies on a turbine which is responsible for moving the water from tank to tank.

The use of a patented turbine instead of an electric pump makes the Kinetico softeners more cost-efficient compared to other softeners. Keep in mind that hard water can drastically damage water filters. There are many good filters out there such as the Aqua Pure filters or a Berkey filter that filters contaminants well but gets damaged easily because of the hardness.

This is why you will need to have your tap water checked for hardness and contaminants before buying anything. If the test results show that your water has less than 17.1 ppm (parts per million), then it is considered soft and you will not need any softeners. Filtering would be another story; it would depend on the contaminants present.

Information on Kinetico Water Softeners


Methods of Physical Water Treatment

Physical methods of water treatment can be whole house or personalized. The whole house physical water treatment includes the use of a water softener, a uv light, a boiling system, a filtration system and more.

Personal physical water treatment


Water filters and purifiers are methods of physical water treatment useful in the personal situation. These physical methods of treating the water easily purify the water by removing granules and grains in the water with the use of filters inside jugs or containers. The container is usually plastic, or it could be glass, and inside will be a filter the water travels through before going into your glass.

The filter could be fibrous or it could be charcoal and cotton mixtures. Each filter is used for a set time, usually a month, two months or sometimes longer, and then you must replace the filter for continued purified water and soft water taste. Anyone can use this physical water treatment method, in any situation because you put the water into the small container before using it in your home for drinking or cooking. The described personal forms of physical water treatment are useful as gifts for others.

Bag and cartridge filter systems

Bag and cartridge filters are available for water that is held in a holding tank and then dispersed through the home. This system is a physical water treatment system used after collecting rain water, in the desert from well waters, and in rural areas, where the well water is hard and full of minerals and tiny rocks. The bags and cartridges are just as described, filters that filter everything out of the water you don't want, and a bag, that is going to collect and allow the water to flow through without allowing small particles through. These forms of physical water treatment can service an entire house or a housing unit where more than one family may live.

Many types of physical water treatment exist to serve various purposes. A water softener cleans the minerals from the water using salt. If you have hard water, you may have too much iron, and another type of physical water treatment system is available for that need. Sediment is small rock, dirt in the water. Nitrate or Tannin is additional elements found in water that can be removed using specialized physical water treatment systems, similar to that of a water softener.

If you are not sure why your water smells, why it is staining your clothes or why your water pressure seems to be so low, you may want to have your water tested. After having your water tested, (which you can do yourself with a test kit) you will be able to determine what type of physical water treatment system you need for the best possible water in your home.

Methods of Physical Water Treatment


Electronic Water Softening Technology

Many people require the use of water softeners to remove minerals and elements from their home's water supply. Up until recently, salt-based water softeners have been the primary way to take the hardness out of their water. But digital electronic water softeners have proven to be a modern, effective and efficient breakthrough in the in-home water filtration and treatment field.

Usually, determining the hardness or softness has to do with the amount of minerals present in the water supply. Calcium is usually the element that is predominantly found in residential water, and a high amount can cause a scaly buildup inside pipes and wreak havoc on water-using appliances. The more calcium is found in the water, the harder the wader is considered to be.


A telltale sign of having hard water can be noticed when washing with soap. Working up a sudsy lather is difficult and rinsing the soap away only leaves skin feeling filmy and unclean. In some cases, depending on the severity of hard water, you can actually taste a metallic or earthy flavor to your drinking water. This can be remedied by installing an in-home softening system.

Digital electronic softening systems do not remove all the calcium from hard water, as that would make the water too soft and to alkaline for use or consumption. Calcium and other minerals, in just the right quantities, are essential for having good tasting water for drinking and cooking. Treating water with a digital electronic water softener allows the water to retain some of the properties of the necessary minerals while modifying the calcium into aragonite. The aragonite does not stick to pipe surfaces or clump together in filmy scales. Furthermore, aragonite makes the calcium easier to absorb by the body.

Aragonite will allow you to work up a rich, sudsy lather when washing yourself or washing dishes. You'll use less soap and the results will be a clean, fresh feeling with no filmy buildup. Your hair and skin will feel clean and soft, without the slick feeling felt by brine-based water softeners.

Another benefit to installing a digital electronic water softener is that the current buildup of lime scale in your pipes and appliances will be broken down as the electronically treated water passes through. The scale deposits will be permanently eliminated to the change in the molecular properties of the water. Your appliances will last longer and you'll save money on their replacement and maintenance.

Digital water softeners are quickly becoming the most popular choice for in-home water treatment systems. They are small and can be installed quickly at any point in the home without any major changes to your current plumbing system. All the water that enters your home and flows through your pipes will be cleaner and softer, while tasting and feeling great.

Electronic Water Softening Technology


Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Do You Really Need a Water Softener?

Anybody that has grown up with and become accustomed to soft water in their home will most likely never choose to go without it. However, is it really necessary to have a water softener? Absolutely necessary? No. A great idea? Definitely. And here's why:

water softener

Hard water contains a significant amount of dissolved minerals in it. That may not seem like anything worth giving much thought to. In reality though, these minerals can be the culprits of many common issues and problems with everything ranging from the cleanliness of your bathroom to the look and feel of your clothing to your bad hair days. After adding a water softener to your home, you'll immediately be able to notice how scum no longer builds up on your shower curtain, how much softer your clothing feels, how much cleaner your dishes look, how soft and silky your hair becomes, and how smooth your skin is.


Although purchasing a water conditioner might be sometimes an investment, it is an investment that will more than pay for itself over time. With soft water, it only takes a fraction of the soap, detergent, and cleaning products as it does with hard water. In the long run, the money you'll save on various household products will far outweigh the money it takes to purchase a water softener.

Living with hard water is definitely not anything life-threatening, but adding a water softener to your home will make that life cleaner, softer, and shinier - and will be well worth every penny.

Do You Really Need a Water Softener?


How Do Softeners Convert Hard Water to Soft?

Water Softeners work to convert hard water into soft water. Hard water has minerals like calcium and magnesium which are positively charged ions. The presence of positive charged ions is what causes calcium and magnesium to dissolve less easily in water. As a result of the high concentration of minerals, water tastes "salty" even though there is no sodium present.

water softener salt

Water Softeners not only work to remove excessive calcium and magnesium but also to remove iron, lead, radium, copper, and sediment.


The main principal that softeners operate on is the ion exchange. Water softeners all have a resin tank which contains the ion exchange brine tank and the control head which is the mechanism that determines when the regeneration process is to take place.

In the resin tank are resin beads which contain sites that hold sodium or potassium ions. The positively charged hard water ions are attracted to the beads and exchange themselves with the sodium or potassium ions. The process continues until there are no more sites for the exchange to take place and the resin is considered exhausted and must be "regenerated". During this process, the sodium or potassium brine solution is rinsed throught the resin leaving the calcium/magnesium and other hard water minerals to be bumped off and discarded down the drain.

Many concerned about salt intake in their diet will worry if the sodium exchange in the water softening process will have an ill effect on their health.

The FDA definition for sodium in drinking water is: sodium free=up to 28 mg,very low sodium=28 to 197 mg and low sodium=197-789 mg.

The amount of sodium in water exchanged by a water softener is considered a trace amount and will not be harmful for anyone wishing to limit their sodium intake.

10 grains of hard water ions per gallon will be exchanged to 78 mgl sodium, 15 grains exchanged for 119 mgl sodium and 20 grains for 158 mgl sodium.

Potassium chloride salt subsitute is also widely available but a bit more costly than sodium.

You may have heard the term grain capacity when considering a water softener and wonder exactly what it means and how to calculate it.

Grain capacity = how much hardness the softener will remove before it requires regeneration.

1.0 cubit foot of resin = 30,000 grain capacity

1.5 cubit foot of resin = 45,000 grain capacity

2.0 cubit foot of resin = 60,000 grain capacity

Depending on your family's daily water use and how hard the water is will determine the grain capacity required. It is suggested to purchase a water softener with the grain capacity to allow for regeneration no less than 3 days apart.

How Do Softeners Convert Hard Water to Soft?


Water Softener - The 3 Biggest Problems of Using a Water Softener

A water softener is used to help eliminate ions such as calcium and magnesium found in tap water. These ions are beneficial to the body, but they can cause several household problems. Sediments often lead to formation of lime deposits that can clog pipes and shorten the life span of washing machines. Water filtration is often used to help go about this problem.

water softener

A good water filtration system functions by effectively producing filtered water that does not cause any buildup which can damage installed pipes and washing machines. Water filtration often occurs through the application of a reverse osmosis system. The system system applies pressure in a chamber that is enclosed with a membrane that allows pure water to go through while holding in larger molecules of calcium and magnesium ions.


As beneficial as water softening systems are to your pipes and washing machines, there are some problems that you may have to encounter. We will discuss these types of problems as we go along, and suggest some common and simple solutions that you can apply to help go around each issue.


Water softening often involves the use of salt. It is used to help attain osmotic pressure in water filtration systems that operate through the action of reverse osmosis. Salt often goes with the filtered water that is produced in the water softener. This can create complications if you are in a salt restriction diet, suffering from heart conditions or hypertension.

One way around this is using two pipes: one that leads to the water softener, the other one leading straight to another faucet. This way, the water that goes through the bypass pipe will not contain sodium. This unfiltered water can be safely used for drinking and cooking without causing sodium imbalance in your body. If you or other members of the family have salt issues, it would be better not to install a whole house water filtration system so that you have the ability to choose the type of water you would want to use for a specific purpose.

Another solution is to use potassium chloride to replace the salt used in the system. Although the compound is as effective as sodium chloride, it is quite expensive in comparison. It is still a form of salt, but the effects would be minimal.


Some occasionally find out that their water softener is not working properly. Bad water filtration can result from several issues. Before you call a professional, take some time to check your system to prevent unnecessary spending of money. One thing you should check is the tank. See if it has deposits that needs flushing. Also, check the salinity of your brine. Proper salt balance in a water softener is required in order for your filtration to be done properly. Different manufacturers require different salinity, which they often specify in the instructions manual. One last thing to check would be the regeneration frequency of your filter. There may be a need to increase the rate of regeneration in order for the water to be filtered effectively.


Brine flow is also a common issue with water filtration systems. If the brine flow of your system is unnatural, check several things before calling the manufacturer. First, flush out the brine line. Salt deposits may be clogging the line, impeding brine flow. Inspect the filter screen as well as the injector system for any problems and damages, and then replace them if necessary. Did you look at the pressure gauge for the brine line? Your water filtration system has a specific pressure that it needs to maintain for the brine to flow freely. You may have to check the manual as different companies have different pressure requirements.

Troubleshooting water softener problems is easy and can be done without having to contact a professional. Doing it manually is your best friend for maintaining your system. Although we may have given you solutions to your main problems, we still have to tackle those questions you want to ask regarding water filters. Understanding all the ins and outs of a water filter is essential if you are considering an investment in a water softener.

Water Softener - The 3 Biggest Problems of Using a Water Softener


Monday, August 29, 2011

Home Water Softeners to Treat Hard Water

Do you know the source of your home water? If you have a home of your own, chances are that you do know where your water comes from. In this case, you are sure that you are the only person who could treat any hard water. Those who live in rental homes could easily evade this cost, and let the landlord incur it. In fact, some of you live in some regions that receive readily softened water. If you are in no position to consume soft and fresh water, you have to act. This explains the existence of home water softeners. You need them to make water safer and useful in your home.

water softener shower head

The main problem with hard water is the minerals in it, including magnesium and calcium. The minerals make the water taste salty. When water has a high mineral concentration, it leaves stains instead of removing them. Hard and salty water stains your aluminum kitchen apparatus. When you try to do your laundry with it, the water does not lather easily. This hard water even causes some white crumbly marks on your toilet and bathroom floors. As you all can see, this type of water is not good for any household use.


The only way to get rid of it is by using softeners. The home water softeners products are very many in the market right now. These include the electric styles, chemical substances, reverse osmosis and so on. Some of them require an intricate installation process only one time. Before you can buy any of the products, you need to examine the sodium content in it. Soft water, which is safer for drinking and home use has sodium mineral concentration in it. When you buy the softeners, you should make sure that it would not add extra sodium in the water. For some people, too much sodium consumption could be hazardous.

Thus, people who want to install a durable water softening system need to consult an expert. By installing this system, you will not only be protecting your family members from sickness. You will also be prolonging the life of your kitchen gadgets, clothes, bathroom fixtures and flooring. In addition, you will reduce the cost of repairing or unblocking the drainage pipes. Therefore, it is important that you incur one major cost of having someone install the home water softener. If you really want to benefit from these products, simply search for them.

The Internet is the most convenient shopping hub there is. First, consider your budget limits. Some products are just harmless chemicals that you can put in water to soften it. These are good when you want an instant solution, without incurring an extra cost of having an expert install anything. You have to select the chemicals carefully. Read the product description, features and reviews that other users have written. This way you will only pay for a product that will surely deliver good results. Shop from reputable sites, like Amazon. This will ensure that the home water softeners are perfect, and that the shipment is quick and successful.

Home Water Softeners to Treat Hard Water


Magnetic Water Softener Benefits Galore!

The types of water softeners on the residential market continue to grow and your options become better and better by the day! While many of the original softening systems which hit the market sucked up energy, were a major hassle to install, and still weren't all that effective, times have definitely changed! With the wonders of technological advances, you can now purchase a magnetic water softener which doesn't take any electricity at all, is fast and easy to install, and which is extremely effective at eliminating the dangerous minerals found in your tap water.

There are many different benefits to using a magnetic water softener over any other type, so let's jump to the point and give them to you right away:


Benefit #1: Easy Installation

You don't even need tools to install most magnetic softening systems into your home! While some other types of water softeners require you to turn off the water to your home and then actually cut into pipes and make permanent structural changes to your plumbing, you don't have to do that at all with a magnetic system!

The technology used for this type of home water softening system has made it easier and faster than ever to get your system up and running in the home. If you are uncomfortable with the installation process of other units you can now purchase a magnet system and even install it yourself since you don't even need tools!

Benefit #2: No Salt

One of the huge criticisms of early day home water softening systems was the amount of sodium that they put into the environment. Salt is needed for many types of softening systems to work effectively, but a magnetic water softener does not use any salt at all. This will not only decrease your carbon footprint by saving the environment from an assault of salt from your home, but it will make your system more effective in every possible way.

All of the benefits of a home water softening system are magnified when you eliminate the salt from your system!

Benefit #3: Lime Scale Build-Up No More

If you worry about lime building up in your pipes and causing common plumbing problems which can wreck your home and cost you tons of money in repairs, then purchasing a magnetic water softening system is the best home improvement project you could ever take on. This system will eliminate the build-up of minerals in your pipes and thus prevent some very serious plumbing issues down the line!

Benefit #4: Completely Safe Consumption

The best thing about a magnetic water softener is that every aspect of the system is completely safe for you, all of your pets, and even the environment. This is an innovative technology which has taken a product that was already great for your health and made it as healthy as can possibly be. The technology is safe and will be a completely safe addition to your family, whether you are using the water to cook for your children or fill the water bowl for your new puppy!

See, there are some great benefits to purchasing a magnetic water softening system over other types. While some homeowners just like purchasing the newest technology, most end up going with this type of softening system because it is so simple to install and doesn't have to be a permanent feature in the home if they don't want it to be. Portability is definitely a plus in this market!

Magnetic Water Softener Benefits Galore!


Installing an Arizona Water Softener vs Keeping Hard Water

Hard water minerals can cause damage throughout your home. Hard water hinders every cleaning task from laundering to bathing. Clothes washed in hard water may look dingy and feel scratchy. Dishes and glasses washed in hard water may contain spots as they dry. Hard water may cause a film on shower doors, shower walls, and bathtubs. Hair washed in hard water may feel sticky, unclean, and look dull. Not to mention that drinking the minerals in hard water can leave a nasty taste in your mouth.

water softener salt potassium

Hard water can also be costing you more money. Hard water has been shown in studies to use more energy in gas and electric water heaters. The reason hard water requires more energy to heat water is due to the scale build up that the minerals in hard water leave in water heaters. This scale is a poor conductor of heat, as well as being damaging to other household appliances, causing annoyances such as clogging pipes, drains, and leaving scale in washers.


Hard water reduces the lifespan of appliances, including washing machines, dishwashers, and water heaters. Hard water can also be costing you more in cleaning supplies. Hard water makes soap lathering difficult, forcing you to use more detergent and soap in your cleaning tasks.

So what are the benefits of soft water? Besides reversing all the before mentioned ills, softened water will make cleaning your house easier. It will save you money because you will use less household cleaning products, as well as save on the water heating bill.

Installing an Arizona Water Softener vs Keeping Hard Water


Sunday, August 28, 2011

Essential Accessories For Commercial Dishwashers - Part 2

Your commercial dishwasher will only be as good as the chemicals you use in it. It is unwise to compromise on this important issue, as using inferior or inappropriate substances could lead to poor performance of your machine or, even worse, to breakdown and failure. Always use the detergents recommended by your supplier and ensure that correct dosage is applied. Some detergents are not very effective in hard water areas, so if you live in a hard water area of the country, you will need to use a detergent recommended for this situation. Premium detergents may seem more expensive, but it can be false economy to choose a weaker strength inferior product. You will probably have to use more of the product and at the same time unsatisfactory results may be obtained. Bulk buy wherever possible, as you will make substantial cost savings and it is worth asking your retailer for a discount. As well as detergent, a quality rinse aid will also be needed for your commercial dishwasher or glass washer.

A descaler for a commercial dishwasher is absolutely essential to help keep your appliance in tip top condition. Your machine uses tap water to clean dishes and this is not pure. The majority of England suffers from hard water to some degree. Descaler removes lime scale build-up from the inside of dishwashers, glass washers and other appliances. If your appliance is prone to lime scale build-up, you should seriously consider investing in a water softener, as it will inhibit the build-up of scale and thus prevent the damage it causes. Hard water is high in dissolved minerals, specifically calcium and magnesium and this causes a build-up on the heating elements of appliances such as commercial dishwashers and glass washers, thereby compromising their performance and reducing their service life. Hard water also impacts negatively on detergent performance, with the most common signs of poor wash results being tannin stains left in tea and coffee cups or mugs. Assuming the dishwasher is functioning correctly, that the items to be washed are correctly stacked and that a good quality detergent and rinse aid are being used in the correct quantities, then it is extremely likely that hard water is the cause of the poor wash performance. If this is the case, then installing a water softener on your machine will dramatically improve your wash results.


Water softeners are available in either manual or automatic forms. A manual water softener is suitable for all glass washers and medium use front loading commercial dishwashers and is easily fitted with a flexible water hose. The price is typically £100. A fully automatic metered electronic cold water softener is suitable for appliances with a cold water feed and costs around £450. An automatic electronic water hot water softener is suitable for use with appliances which have a hot water feed and is priced at around £550.

Take good care of your commercial dishwasher or glass washer and you will be rewarded with many years of useful service life!

Essential Accessories For Commercial Dishwashers - Part 2


What is a Water Softener?

It seems a little strange that water is soft or hard. However, these are two recognized types of water. A water softener is a machine that removes certain elements from hard water, thus softening it and making it a little better to use.

water softener salt potassium

Hard water is water that has high amounts of calcium and magnesium. These elements can create stains on sinks and in tubs. It can also damage hair and leave skin feeling dried out and itchy. Not only can hard water be inconvenient in small ways, the buildup as a result of the calcium and magnesium deposits can actually clog pipes. A water softener can reduce the problems associated with hard water.


A water softener removes the calcium and magnesium from water. Some water softeners also remove iron. The water softener is a machine that, when connected to the water supply, actually "softens" hard water. Most water softeners require an amount of salt for their proper functioning. Because elements are removed from the water, they build up in the softener rather than pipes. This means that the water softener requires regular maintenance.

There are different sizes and types of water softeners. The more water used by a household, the bigger the water softener needs to be. There are also three different types of water softener: manual, semi-automatic and automatic. The automatic merely requires regular maintenance. The other two types require a more active role in the removal of calcium and magnesium from the household water supply.

While soft water is great for washing and bathing, hard water is more pleasant to the taste. As a result, many people find that it is nice to have one faucet in the home that provides hard water for drinking and cooking.

A water softener decreases the overall need for strenuous pipe maintenance due to buildup. It can also provide a more pleasant way to use water to bathe, as well as preserve the quality of clothes washed in a washing machine.

What is a Water Softener?


Does A Salt Free Water Softener Really Soften Water?

Does a salt free water softener really soften the water in your home? Well, not really. Technically it's not softening it but actually conditioning it. Softeners, that use salt, remove minerals in your water that make it hard, like calcium and magnesium, and replaces it with something like sodium. This reduces the hardness making it softer.

water softener salt potassium

A salt free water softener is actually a water conditioner or a descaler. It works with a calcium carbonate crystal structure that pulls out excess dissolved hardness by attracting it to the crystal structure making it bigger. As the crystal structure grows, the flow of water and friction and movement of additional hardness minerals against the crystal structure, will cause small pieces to break off and flow with the water through the pipes.


The small pieces, that have broken from the crystal structure into the water as suspended particles, continue to attract hardness minerals and prevents them from sticking to the insides of the pipes, water faucets, showers, water heaters, and dishwashers. As they flow with the water they continue to grab the hardness minerals from the water creating micro crystals.

The salt free water softener does not use any electricity and the whole system is made up of water flowing past the calcium carbonate crystal structure for it to function correctly. Unlike a system that uses salt, this method is friendly to the environment without discharging salt into it. Without using salt, a home can be scale free and still have water that is pH balanced and still contain essential minerals like calcium and magnesium needed for a healthy body.

There are also many other benefits with a salt free water softener system. These benefits include soaps and detergents will work better, it does not need electricity to function, and no slippery feeling water. It also is easy to install and will not cause pressure loss to your plumbing system in any way. It also works great for pets, gardens, and pools.

Does A Salt Free Water Softener Really Soften Water?


Water Purifier System - How To Determine Which Purification Method Is Most Effective

There's virtually no debate about it today-if you want to maintain good health, than you need the right water purifier system to eliminate the harmful chemicals and bacteria from your water supply. You need pure water for good health.

Consuming water is one of the most important things you can do for your health; if you receive harmful chemicals in your water every time you get a drink, you will never achieve optimum health. Remember, your body is 70% water; therefore, the water you intake into your system plays a huge role in determining your overall health.


However, your location will be a big determinant in deciding which type of water purifier system you purchase. It all depends on what type of tap water you drinking and what kind of organisms you need to eliminate from your water. For instance, in some places there are might be harmful chemicals in your water system you need to get rid of; in others, it might be microorganisms.

Believe it or not, despite what we've been led to believe, drinking tap water really isn't good for us. The reason is that there are over 140 harmful chemicals that are still in our water system that the EPA has done nothing to remove. Of course, this information is rarely publicized.

When it comes to purchasing a water purifier system, there are many different methods of purification. You can either use an ionizer, water softener, reverse osmosis, ultraviolet, distillation, etc. All of them are relatively effective at removing the harmful chemicals from your water supply. Which method you chose will depend largely on your location, budget, and the room you have available.

The bottom line is this: every water purifier system has their pros and cons. If there was one clear cut, flat out winner, there'd only be one. You need to do your homework and find out which one is best for you.

Start researching online. There is so much information on the internet today you can find info on virtually any topic you can think of at just the click of a button. There are literally thousands of websites today that review water purifiers.

Try to find ones that don't directly sell them or are affiliate of water purifiers, because those will tend to be the most unbiased and objective of them all. Also, ask friends or family members who already own water purifiers for their opinion.

Finally, test them the water purifier system out before purchasing, and see which you like the taste and odor of the best. Believe it or not, some purifiers actually give the water a different taste than tap water; try to find one that's effective at removing the harmful substances in your water and that also provides a nice, clear taste. When you've done this, you will see a dramatic improvement in your health.

Water Purifier System - How To Determine Which Purification Method Is Most Effective


Saturday, August 27, 2011

Brita Water Filters Make Water Better

Though it is hard to believe, the very water that we drink today could well have been a drink for a prehistoric dinosaur. Since it is impossible to make more, the water we have today is the same that existed since the beginning of time. Water that has evaporated falls back to the earth in the form of precipitation, trickles through the soil which filters out large solids, and then makes its way into streams, lakes and rivers where it is then removed, cleaned and delivered to homes. Municipalities add chlorine to their water to kill bacteria. It is checked for lead and other serious contaminants and only when it safe is it served as drinking water. Yet, does anyone really want to drink a glass of chlorine water? Most people who research what is actually in their tap water decide to use water filters to make it cleaner and safer. Brita water filters are a carbon filter that make sure the water you drink tastes its best.

Carbon water filters such as Pur and Brita will both remove the chlorine that was added to kill bacteria. Chlorine was added to kill bacteria, not to improve the water's taste, and once it has successfully performed its job and the bacteria is gone, it only makes sense to remove the chlorine. Carbon filters and reverse osmosis systems successfully remove chlorine and improve water's taste. Brita water filters are used in specially designed pitcher that is filled with water and placed in the refrigerator. It conveniently ensures that your clean water is cold and available when needed. The filters need to be changed periodically but work remarkably well when this is done.


Often, Brita water filters are used in conjunction with whole house filtration systems and, only when necessary, iron water filters. Whole house filtration systems are excellent for both city and well water. They remove the hardness in water, which is comprised mainly of calcium and magnesium, and exchange these minerals with sodium ions. This process is called ion exchange. The softened water is not considered purified but is much gentler on the skin and will prolong the life of appliance and household plumbing fixtures.

Brita Water Filters Make Water Better


Water Softeners - The Best Choice For Hard Water

A water softener may not be necessary, but it sure will make a difference if you are one of the many Americans who live in an area with severely hard water. Hard water makes it harder to wash your laundry and to bathe, leaves spots on your glasses, and may be responsible for clogging your appliance, boiler, or plumbing pipes with a scale that accumulates over time. You can buy easy-to-use test kits if you are curious about the hardness of your water.

water softener

Water Softeners are Simple


A water softener works on a fairly simple principle of chemistry that involves positive and negative charges on molecules (ions). Anyone familiar with a magnet knows the two negative or the two positive ends will push the magnets apart. But if you turn one magnet around, the one negative pole will pull the positive pole tightly to it.

Water softeners work on that same positive / negative attraction principle. Salt-based water softener systems use carbon resin beads coated with sodium or potassium ions (from sodium or potassium salts) to attract and replace the calcium, magnesium, and iron in your water. The metals causing your hard water are then carried out of your home's water system into your water softener's conditioning tank.

After enough time, the salts are no longer present and it is time to regenerate or replace them. The amount of water you use each day will be the greatest determining factor in how often your water softener system requires maintenance.

Renewal of Your Salt Supply

Since the salt used to remove calcium and other metals from your water will be used up after a period of time, there are several options for that renewal process.

Meter-based systems replenish the salt supply as necessary, but during its initial installation you will usually have to tell the machine your water hardness and how many users in your house on an average day will be taking showers. There are some tricks to making the water conditioner renew its salt supply in the middle of the night, not just when the meter tells it to do so. Meter systems are the most cost-effective users of salt with very little waste.
Timer-based systems replace your salt at a specified time of day, or night, usually once per week. A fixed amount of salt is replaced each time this process takes place regardless of how much water was used during that period. It's still going to use more salt despite the fact you were on vacation that week. You can see how this type of replenishment system is going to use a lot of salt over time.
Manual systems obviously have no timer or meter to renew your salt supply. But if you do not have a nearby drain for your water softener, then you will be using a garden hose and a remote drain for this process. Sure it sounds like more work than the other two, so buy a big water softener and you won't have to perform this process as often. Salt-based water softeners work so well that it is probably your best choice if you live in an area of extreme water hardness. However, if you are worried because you are on a strict low sodium diet, simply use potassium salt which does cost more and talk to your doctor about your situation. And these systems certainly are not eco-friendly.

Water Softeners - The Best Choice For Hard Water


Rubbermaid Water Cooler Review

Made by Rubbermaid, the leader in rubber and plastic products, the Rubbermaid water cooler can provide a handy and portable source of water or other beverages. Available in 3 gallon, 7 gallon and 10 gallon sizes, this durable and versatile water dispenser can be used to transport, store and dispense large amounts of water while keeping it cool and fresh.

With its large removable lid and tough odor and stain resistant liner, the Rubbermaid water cooler is easy to clean and sanitize time after time. This means that it can be used for more than just a water cooler; you can fill it with enough Gatorade for the whole team one day then use it for water the next without experiencing any lingering stains or odor. It even washes clean and odor-free when flavoured beverages are inadvertently left inside for several weeks!


The lid screws on tightly to prevent spills, and the drip resistant spigot easily dispenses water on demand, eliminating the need to lift or tip the container. It is lightweight when empty and sturdy built in handles make it easy to transport when full, and the core is made with extra-thick insulation to keep beverages cool for long periods of time. The exceptionally tough plastic exterior will not fade easily even when it is left in the sun and can stand up to even the most rigorous abuse without suffering dents or scratches.


Available in 3 handy sizes Portable and easy to carry Large drip resistant lid Extremely durable exterior is resistant to denting scratching and fading Easy to clean, resists stains and odors Thickly insulated to keep beverages cool for a long time Easy to use drip resistant spigot

There have been some complaints about the lid not tightening down far enough on the 10 gallon model and coming off too easily Doesn't fit under most standard kitchen faucets for filling Only available in orange when purchased online

You can buy a Rubbermaid water cooler almost anywhere that Rubbermaid products are sold. Stores such as Wal-mart usually carry a huge selection of Rubbermaid products, as do many online stores. Like most mainstream products, this item can also be found in abundance on sites such as

For sports teams, avid campers or scouting troops, a Rubbermaid water dispenser is a welcome addition to your collection of necessary equipment. Ease of cleaning makes this an extremely versatile container that can be used for everything from iced tea to Gatorade, and then fearlessly transformed back into a water cooler with no left over residue or odor.

This highly durable container can take whatever abuse may be inflicted upon it by travel and outdoor activities without suffering scratches or dents, and with its various sizes, there is a size to suit every occasion. For people who are active in sports and other outdoor activities, a Rubbermaid water cooler is a more than worthwhile investment.

Rubbermaid Water Cooler Review


Friday, August 26, 2011

The Real Whirlpool 30000 - Grain Water Softeners

It is always good for homeowners to know that they can find water softeners like Whirlpool 30000 in the market. Good to deal with your hard water problems and provide for your soft water needs, this softener really brings in a lot of specifications as we will see them here. It is ideal for households where there are 1-4 people. Good for knowing that you can have your soft water necessities provided for in those settings without having to be worried about your water softeners capacity. There is a high flow rate of up to 1 in. high flow valve enabling you to have a long demand with no problems in the flow volume.

water softener salt potassium

It only recharged when it is necessary with its salt saving technology. The good thing is that it not only saves salt but water as well. The control display features are embedded with demand initiated regeneration technology, balancing the water flow indicator and the low salt indicators so you can know when it is your turn to do the work. This saving space single tank design enables for a lot of loads of materials and resources so you don't have to be constantly worrying about replacements and replenishing. It is a very good softener that comes equipped with many necessary specifications most especially for those who don't want too little not want too much.


They are very good in these case scenarios and is a very reliable product which delivers what is promised. It has a warranty of 1-year full parts and labor, 3-year limited electronics and 10-year limited tanks.

So if you want to rest easy you can always remember on those good quality warranties and good performance of your Whirlpool 30000 water softener to provide you with what you need in all case scenarios, for you and your family.

The Real Whirlpool 30000 - Grain Water Softeners


How to Reduce the Bills For Water, Heating and Energy

Your bills are driving you mad? Every month the energy, water and heating is more expensive for you? So, it is time for you to learn how to reduce the money spend on those unpleasant duties.

Let's start from water - it's most important for a good living and probably costs us the largest amount of money. But the ways of dealing with high water bills are probably the easiest. Some of them starts with changing the habits like for example not letting the tap run while brushing the teeth or having showers instead of baths.


There are some easy ways that doesn't cost anything like fixing dripping taps or water the plants at garden with rain water collected in water butts and baskets. And if you can invest some money at the beginning you can buy the water metres which will show you how much water is wasting every month. Also before buying a new water appliance, like a dishwasher or washing machine, check for its water efficiency rating and choose the ecologic ones. They may not be so cheap but having them pays off at the end.

Second, the energy. Very simple way is to use the light of the day not the artificial light. Sounds to simple? Maybe, but it works. Only by getting up one hour earlier and going to bed not so late we can save a lot of energy (and also our health). If we encourage the whole family to do that our savings will be much bigger. The example for that might be the annual time changing which was started just because of energy saving reason.

More conventional ways? Count the amount of electrical supply at your home. Think which one of them is really useful for you and which can be replaced for something else. For example the electrical kettle which uses a great amount of energy may be changed for one that boils water by using gas. Replace: regular bulbs with the one that saves energy, and the almost empty dishwasher and washing machine with full loaded one.

Of course you can't throw away your fridge which really costs you the most of all electrical supplies. But you can do the same as in case of washing machine: buy the one with "Energy Star" sign. Those one might seem a little more expensive at first place than the regular one. But you have to bare in mind that you will save a lot on running costs over time. Money spent won't be money lost, cause those washing machines are economy.

If it comes to heating one of the ways to lower bills might be reducing the limescale which is a sign of hard water problems. Surprised? Limescale is clogging pipes and increasing the bills for heating. It is not only force the heating to use more heat for hot water but also have a bad influence on living of your pipes, washing machines and dishwashers. To reduce that you have to think about proper water treatment system.

For example it might be one of water softeners, that works by replacing the calcium and magnesium in the water with sodium. Or an electronic descaler, that may remove lime scale problem. The truth is that all solutions are less expensive than ignoring this problem. The scale prevention might be cheaper than removing its effects.

And using only few of those ideas will surely cost less than doing nothing. Remember that with a small effort you can spend more money on your family and pleasant things not waste them on bills.

How to Reduce the Bills For Water, Heating and Energy


Choosing a Water Softener System for Your Home

It has many negative consequences that affect our daily lives; for instance, you will find out that the soap or shampoo you use will not lather well, each of your washed clothes looks dingy, countless numbers of chalky rings may stay in your bathroom fixtures, a number of spots may stay in your clean glasses and some of your appliances (e.g. coffee makers) may suffer from shortened lives. In some areas, the district procedure will add chemicals to soften it before such a liquid comes to every household pipe. Should you live in an area where the above procedure has not been established, you are suggested to install a water softener system for your own house. Such a device is available at different types such as reverse osmosis, chemical, ion exchanging, magnetic and electric softening installations. Make sure that you do have to learn and do the research on the particular device to help you determine the right one that will work best on the crucial liquid hardness in your area and according to your home's special needs.

There are few tips you may want to consider on choosing the right water softener system, they are:


The first thing to consider is that you should test your water to find out how hard it is. In this case, you can hire a professional to do the test, or you may choose to buy a testing kit and do the test yourself. Once you get the result on the hardness, you have to calculate the household usage in gallons. After that, consider the time you use for cleaning, running and maintain the device. With this information, you can start looking for the best units. The higher calcium or magnesium levels on this particular liquid, the larger and more powerful units you need.

You should have a careful and thoughtful consideration on the particular device you want to purchase. A good device with the ability to clean most of the impurities in liquid, which could be harmful to human would be the perfect option. In fact, you can choose one with activated carbon filters that have proven effectively to perform its best functions. You may also consider a procedure that does not eliminate important mineral components from the particular liquid. A device of which characteristics are environmental friendly, efficient as not waste one, can help you to minimize the maintenance costs. You can start looking for such a device at a reliable online store. Purchasing the device online may help you to save more of your time and energy. In fact, you can also save some money due to the lower price you may get from such an online store. Compare 3 to 4 different online stores will help you to get your best deal on such a device. You can even make a choice for the softening procedure that suits your budget.

Choosing a Water Softener System for Your Home


Thursday, August 25, 2011

A Sodium-Free Alternative to Water Softeners

If you follow a sodium-restricted diet, you may be endangering yourself every day and not even know it. Drinking unfiltered water from salt-softened water can add an excess of sodium to your diet. The amount of sodium water softener can add to your diet may be very unhealthy.

Salt-based water softeners may solve hard water damage to your home, but they can be damaging to your health. For those with high-blood pressure, atherosclerosis, heart disease, diabetes and other diseases, the added sodium can be a detriment to your well-being. Even for healthy individuals, long-periods of increased sodium intake can lead to hypertension, which substantially increases the risk of heart attack or stroke.


Salt-based water softeners work by replacing hard water, rich in calcium and magnesium, with sodium. The higher the content of magnesium and calcium in your water, the more sodium is needed to replace it. In areas with very hard water, the amount of salt needed can actually add a significant amount of sodium to your diet. On top of that, the exchange of minerals is far from perfect, so there is generally more sodium used than is needed.

There are several options to reduce the amount of sodium in your water. One way would be to use a softener that uses potassium chloride salts instead of sodium. This method is effective in reducing sodium, but it is very expensive. Potassium chloride generally costs more than double the price of sodium chloride. And considering you may need up to 800 pounds annually, this method is not an option for most. Furthermore, elevated potassium levels in the body can be dangerous and lead to problems such as heart arrhythmia, especially in those with impaired kidney function.

An effective, affordable, and healthy alternative to the water softener is a product called a conditioning magnet. This unique type of salt-free water softener utilizes extremely powerful magnetic fields to align the water molecules. Instead of relying on large amounts of salt to soften water, this technology ionically hydrates and dissolves scale-buildup. In other words, it changes the molecular structure of the water in a way to reduce the impact of mineral buildup.

There is no salt used in the process and the healthy minerals such as calcium and magnesium are retained, which are essential to good health. So if you're looking for a salt-free water solution, you owe it to your health to check out the new technology of conditioning magnets.

A Sodium-Free Alternative to Water Softeners


Best Water Heater Guide - Types of Water Heaters

Before you buy this important piece of equipment, read this water heater guide to understand the different kinds of models that are available for your home.

Understanding the basic types for heaters that are on the market today is critical to making the right choice. Because these products are regulated and have long-term impacts on the quality of the water temperature received within your home, you don't want to have to decide between your options without being well informed.


Let's get straight to it and cover each of the available types:

Gas fueled storage tank water heaters: These are the conventional 30 to 50 gallon tanks that are heated by a gas fueled fire at the bottom of the tank.

Electric heated storage tank water heaters: These are units that store in a tank that is heated at the bottom by an electrical heating element.

Gas fueled tankless water heaters: Heats water at the time of usage and a gas fueled tankless heater is obviously heated by a gas fueled flame.

Electric heated tankless water heaters: Heats water at the time of usage and uses an electrical heating element to heat the water.

Point-of-use electric water heaters: These heaters tend to be electrical because it's much easier to run electricity to these remote locations than running gas lines to them.

Heat-pump water heaters: Works like a refrigerator in reverse. Most heat pumps run on electricity.

Solar water heaters: The heating is processed through the coils inside the panel and is heated by solar energy. Plumbing lines then lead away from the solar panels into the house and other plumbing hot water pipes.

Portable water heaters: Most often these heaters are small propane fueled tank units that are used for camping and other temporary circumstances.

There are really three kinds of power sources for these heaters: gas, electric and solar. After that, there are three different styles: tank, tankless, and hybrid (or point of use). This means choosing the right one means making two decisions. First, understand your power options. Most homes are already determined based on whether or not the existing water heater is fueled by gas or electricity but in a new build you might have an option. How much water you need delivered and at what pace can help you choose between the style options.

Once you understand the types available through any water heater guide, then you should take a few minutes to understand how they work and interact with the plumbing in your house and - specifically - how the climate in your part of the world might require that you choose one type over another to get the best performance.

Best Water Heater Guide - Types of Water Heaters


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

10 Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Water Softeners

1. What are the different types of water treatment systems?

water softener prices

There are three types of water present in your home. Raw water is brought in from the city, county, or a well. Raw water is typically used for watering your lawn and is untreated. Working water is the water treated by your water treatment system, and is used for bathing, washing, and cleaning. Finally, the third type of water present in your home is drinking water. Drinking water treatment systems such as reverse osmosis are available to better the quality of the water you drink.


2. What does a water softener do?

Hard water has large deposits of calcium and magnesium, and once it evaporates it leaves a white film on sink fixtures and showers that can often be difficult to clean. A water softener eliminates these mineral deposits with the following steps. First, the water travels into the resin bed where the resin beads bind to calcium and magnesium molecules. The resin bed will eventually become saturated, calling for the use of salt. Contrary to common belief, salt is not directly added to the water. Instead, it is used to clean the resin bed, and only a small amount of sodium actually is added to your water with the removal of calcium and magnesium.

3. What are the benefits of a water softener?

Benefits are evident to both your body and your home with the use of soft water. Your skin will feel softer and free of any scum or residue left by soaps, and your hair will have more shine and luster. Any skin irritations or issues will be improved with the use of soft water as well. No scale will be visible in your ice cube tray, water heater, plumbing pipes, or bathroom fixtures. The life of your fixtures and water heater will be vastly improved. Soft water will also advance the quality of your drinking water.

4. What is the difference between an electrical water softener and a mechanical water softener?

Electrical water softeners are often found at your local home improvement stores. They require a power source nearby and are run on a timer on top of the resin bed. Like an alarm clock, the timer tells the unit when to regenerate. Mechanical systems, like a Kinetico, only work when you are using water, increasing its efficiency. Other chemical free units exist, and there are countless options available.

5. How do I know if I have hard water?

Hard water causes scale to form on the inside of plumbing, water heaters, toilet bowls, sink fixtures, shower heads, shower doors, and even your skin, just to name a few. It is visible in the form of white film on your fixtures and shower. If you have a sprayer or shower head, flip it over and check the openings. If the holes are filled, hard water could be impeding you from getting the best results from your fixtures. Hard water can also stick to skin and clothing.

6. What is involved in getting my water tested?

Water is tested directly at the source, your kitchen sink for city and county water, or directly at the well pump. The test will include checking for hardness as well as chlorine levels and TDS (total dissolved solids). With well water, sulfide, sediment, and tannin tests could also be performed. Representatives may show you a soap test, in which they will demonstrate the different reactions of soap between hard and soft treated water. Tests will last about 30-45 minutes.

7. Does size or capacity matter when choosing a water softener?

When buying electrical systems with one tank of resin, take capacity into account. It is important to remember how much water your home uses and the amount of water pressure necessary. With mechanical units, capacity does not matter. They have an infinite reserve of soft and treated water. Size depends on how much water pressure your family needs.

8. What are the operating costs of a water softener?

Salt and water are the main operating costs of a water treatment system. The unit will need both salt and water to regenerate and clean the resin bed. With an electrical machine, the average salt per day is one pound per person. Thus, for a family of two people, about 60 pounds of salt per month will be necessary. Electrical units also use between 45 and 100 gallons of water every time it cleans, which could amount to over 1,000 gallons per month depending on how often you have it set for. Non-electrical units are much more efficient, using about 7 pounds of salt per person per month, and approximately 7 gallons of water each time it cleans. Keep in mind that carbon beds and systems treating well water may require more maintenance.

9. Where is the softener installed?

Contrary to common belief, you do not always have to put your water softener in your garage. Check with your homeowner's association to be sure. Electrical units will need to be installed in the garage because it provides a power source for the system. Mechanical units, however, can be installed completely outdoor, as they do not have any power source requirements or corrosive parts.

10. How long will the unit take to install?

Install should not take more than 2-3 hours. If installing an electrical unit, be sure your power source is available and working. Mechanical machines usually have a shorter install period than electrical machines.

10 Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Water Softeners


The Importance Of Water Softeners

If the water in your vicinity is hard, then it is important for your household to own a water softener. You should know that hard water contains too much metals and minerals, this make them not good for one's health. Therefore, if the water that you drink or use for washing is hard, then you are obviously exposing yourself and your loved ones to those spare minerals and metals which are definitely health hazard. This clearly requires you to make serious consideration about installing a water softener in your home.

Moreover, hard water is not only perilous for health but it is also awfully not good for your water pipes, clothes, and home appliances. The hard water which we typically obtain in the community where we live in contain high levels of iron, magnesium, and calcium. These minerals have negative reactions on the materials used for making water pipes and home appliances, that bad reactions can cause the minerals to eat the items. In addition, they could also make bad reactions with human skin, making it itchy. This itchiness can develop into a skin allergy in the end.


The water softener will take out these unsafe elements from the water running in your pipeline. Likewise, with the softener, the water will turn soft and the potential health hazards will be eliminated. Although these water systems can be expensive, the long-term health benefits that it can provide will eclipse the price.
To get the best softener that will not put your hard earned money to waste, you must look for water softener reviews first. In this way, you will obtain reliable information and at the same time, you will be able to compare the different softeners available out there.

The Importance Of Water Softeners


The Electronic Water Softener System Explained

Many people are deciding to invest in water treatment systems for their home and office and with the health and money saving benefits they offer it is easy to see why. The two main types of water softener you have from which to choose are those which replace the lime scale in the water with sodium (salt), and electronic water softeners which hold the lime scale in suspension. A little time taken in deciding which water softener system is right for you will ensure that your choice will repay you with years of good service.

water softener salt

Hard water is created when rainwater passes through chalk or limestone rock. As it does so it absorbs mineral salts from the rock, principally calcium bicarbonate, which can later be deposited in our domestic water systems as lime scale.


Those of us who live in hard water areas know the effect that the build up of scale can have on our taps and shower heads, in fact in any areas which our water supply comes into regular contact. In addition to being unpleasant to look at lime scale also reduces the efficiency of these items. However the damage done by lime scale build up is not just cosmetic. Over the years scale will have built up inside the pipes of your water supply and heating system, in more severe cases reducing the flow of water to not much more than a trickle, seriously affecting the ability of your heating system to cope with the rigors of the American winter. Heating elements in hot water tanks and washing machines can become seriously affected by scale build up, reducing their efficiency and ultimately leading to costly repairs or replacement.

Perhaps the worst affected domestic appliance is the combination or condensing boiler. These modern energy efficient boilers are quite complex and therefore much more expensive to replace or repair than the older systems and unfortunately can be easily affected by lime, to the extent that they must be fitted with their own electronic water softener by your plumber on installation in hard water areas if you do not already have water softeners in use.

Health-wise soft water can have many benefits. Skin and hair will feel naturally softer without the use of expensive moisturizers and conditioners. You will find that you need to use far less soap, shampoo and washing powder to get the same amount of lather, saving you money whilst at the same time reducing your impact on the environment. People who suffer from Eczema and Psoriasis benefit greatly from water softening systems, in fact several studies in Europe have suggested that their conditions can improve by on average 50% after switching from a hard water supply.

Traditionally people looking to introduce a water softener to their home have opted for salt based water filters. The brine tank is fitted into the water supply where it enters the property and as the water moves through the system the ions of calcium are replaced by sodium, or salt, ions. The unit is periodically recharged with sodium by flushing through with a brine solution. Although these are effective at removing the calcium from your water system they have a number of disadvantages. They are relatively expensive to buy, costing typically 0 to 0, with additional plumbing costs for installation. They are quite bulky and require maintenance and are unsuitable for people on a low sodium diet or for use in the preparation of baby feeds.

The new types of electronic water softener can have many advantages over an ion replacement system. Also known as an electronic water conditioner, these systems work by passing a very small electric current through the water supply as it enters the property. This causes tiny crystals to be formed, which the calcium attaches itself to instead of the pipe work, which are then removed with the waste water in the normal way. A popular development of this system is the ClearWave heavy-duty water softener. This system works by bombarding your water supply with a series of inaudible electromagnetic pulses. These increase the electromotive attraction of the water to calcium particles, allowing them to be held in suspension and not deposited as lime. Additionally the treated water supply cleans your system of previously deposited lime scale as it goes, in a short time removing all traces of lime scale. As this type of model is available at a price of around 0 including shipping, in several grain sizes to cater for most capacities, the advantages of such a system are clear. Factor in the ease of installation, merely wrap two wires around the water pipe and plug into your electrical system, maintenance free operation and lack of potentially harmful salt, it is very obvious why they are gaining in popularity.

The installation of electronic water softeners is one of the most cost effective ways that you can improve the health of both your family and property.

The Electronic Water Softener System Explained


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

A Portable Water Purification System That You Can Take Anywhere

Recently, treatment plants and facilities have been shown to provide clean but not fully safe and pure water to homes and other areas. A portable water purification system comes in handy especially during low yield periods and emergency situations. The device provides you with advantages such as affordability, easy operation and convenience. Find out how to choose.

What Portability Means


A portable water purification system is also referred to as POU or point-of-use water treatment system using field water disinfection methods. These are self-contained units used by private individuals, military personnel, outdoor hobbyists and other people who intend to drink and use water from untreated sources like rivers, waterfalls and lakes. Generally, the main goal is to make unchlorinated water potable or safe and palatable for human consumption.

Bottled water has been shown to have a number of disadvantages such as having contaminants even after treatment. Studies revealed that most of the brands available still contain microorganisms and substances highly associated with serious diseases like cancer and typhoid. Portable water purification is also useful for the treatment of safe municipal water to eliminate chlorine, lead and mercury thereby improving the odor, appearance and taste significantly.

About Chemical Disinfection

Filtration may be the most common technique used in a portable water purification system. There are several others including products using more than one stage of treatment to ensure that water is at its purest form. Chemical disinfection is another approach which mainly involves adding iodine to water in tablets, crystallized or as a solution. Iodine destroys many pathogens that exist in natural fresh water but not all. Field purification becomes easy and lightweight. You may also add vitamin C in powder or pills to precipitate a lot of iodine out of the solution after it has worked well.

Chlorine-based bleach can also be used for the purpose of emergency disinfection. A couple of drops of 5% bleach per quart or liter of clear water and left to sit for 30 to 60 minutes can control chlorine odor and taste. Make sure you follow the guidelines for the safe use of chlorine and bleach. Chlorine and iodine however is not known to treat Cryptosporidium and Giardia cysts effectively.

Finding the Right Device

First, determine how safe the product is in terms of removing microorganisms and contaminants. Some manufacturers may base their safety standards with the requirements and protocol of the EPA or Environmental Protection Agency. Next, look for a portable water purification system that is easy to use with a history of safety and durability. You may want to refer to agencies and organizations that use the product regularly such as military groups and health institutions.

You may assess safety according to the ability of the purifier to remove contaminants. A microbiological micron rating of 0.018 can remove viruses and is labeled as being a purifier at safety level 1. Microfilters have a microbiological micron rating of 0.3 to 1.0 and can remove bacteria, viruses and protozoa labeled as safety level 2. Filters are less powerful and can remove larger cysts and microorganisms by having a microbiological micron rating of 1.0 to 4.0 labeled as safety level 3.

Find the right model and type that matches your activity and unit. Some easily attach to the top of a water bottle while others have built-in filters. Determine the type of contaminants to expect and choose the right product that uses the proper mechanism and purification technique that suits your requirements.

A Portable Water Purification System That You Can Take Anywhere


Why Choose An Electronic Water Softener

Hard water is not fit for home use because it contains more minerals that it normally should. Hard water usually contains calcium and magnesium. A lot of homes and businesses suffer from hard water, which oftentimes causes clogs and prevents soap from dissolving. In other cases, lime scale deposits are found to be created in a water system. But don't fret. A lot of households and businesses are starting to use electronic water softeners over traditional salt-based types and magnetic types, making the use of a softener more and more popular. Listed below are a few reasons why this is such.

water softener cleaner

This mechanism can get rid of negative effects that hard water does on your pipe system. Using special technology, this device removes calcium and magnesium deposits from the water supply, helping the pipes stay clear and thus, making it a lot easier to clean the dishes and effectively enjoy showers. Laundry machines also work efficiently with soft water, since lime-scale build-up in the machine will be reduced.


A Water Softener uses electromagnetic waves instead of salts, so they don't need maintenance and have no salt costs. You don't have to take it apart for reloading or install it back after charging; and after installation, you don't have to do regular checkups since this appliance can last for up to twenty years without inspection.

Another benefit of having this device is that water will taste generally better than hard water. It reduces the buildup of soap scum in sinks and bath tubs since soap will dissolve more easily when soft water is used. Hard water can cause minor skin irritation, while soft water will work better with soap, leaving your skin softer and your hair more manageable.

More modern equipment are programmed to send electromagnetic pulses or EMPs to dissolve existing lime scales in your pipes, water heaters, toilets, and faucets, leading to more efficient washing and flow of water in the water system of your home. But there are some newer models which wavelengths only travel a certain distance so as not to disrupt TV or radios.

More modern electric water softeners are made to eliminate old lime deposits and further enhance the piping system. A water softener is more useful than other water softening systems since they make a lot of things in the household that use water work more efficiently.

Why Choose An Electronic Water Softener


Choosing the Best Water Softener - Important Comparison Factors

It is important to make a thorough comparison when searching for the best water softener. And to do so, you need to have a very meticulous set of criteria. This will help you find the best unit that will meet your needs efficiently so you can make a good investment. To land the best unit in the market, your criteria should include these important factors.

water softener

Grains capacity. The grains capacity of a water softener is definitely the most important factor since it directly affects the softening process that the softener can manage. You have to compare this with the hardness level of your water supply. Hardness levels can be determined by some test kits if your city water supplier cannot provide you with the details. This is measured in the amount of grains per gallon. You have to choose a softener that can handle the hardness level of your water.


Brand. Next, you have to consider the brand of your softener. There are several reliable brands in the market that you can count on for effectiveness, efficiency, and durability. These brands include Kenmore, Pelican, Culligan, Calgon, and Kinetico, among many others.

Type. You also have to decide what kind of model to buy. The different kinds include demand-initiated regeneration softeners, automatic softeners, and manual softeners. Demand-initiated regeneration water softeners can start the regeneration process by itself based on the level of water consumption. Automatic softeners regenerate automatically based on a timer you have to set. Manual softeners require you to control the entire regeneration process.

Price. Naturally, the price is one important comparison factor in choosing the best one. You have to consider your own budget but you have to be prepared for an investment if you want a good quality model.

Durability. Durability is often intertwined with the brand of your softener. What's important is you look for one that is made of durable material and can last you a long time.

Efficiency. You should also look for a model that's efficient to use. Water softener efficiency should be efficient based on the use of salt, water, and energy. There are some models that do not use salt, such as the Pelican NaturSoft series, and you should also go for a one that does not waste water through backwashing. Finally, look for models that are Energy Star qualified.

Performance guarantee. It is also important to consider the performance guarantee that comes with your water softener. The performance guarantee includes warranty and any other guarantee such as money-back guarantees for your water softener.

Reviews and ratings. Some good measures of the overall quality of softeners are reviews and ratings. Reviews can give you objective information about water softeners and ratings can help you compare different types with one another quickly. Take time to read reviews and check out ratings in choosing a unit to find out more about actual customer feedback and satisfaction ratings.

To Find More about choosing a best water softener please visit our homepage at

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Choosing the Best Water Softener - Important Comparison Factors


Monday, August 22, 2011

How Reverse Osmosis Work and Can Benefit You

What is reverse osmosis? The way osmosis works is that it will seek the liquid out and it tends to become one, especially when it comes to living cells. It would be the reason why you cannot drink seawater. Seawater contains salt, it will draw out all the liquid in your cells, and then you will become dehydrated. Treating your water in the home is important to continued good health. Sometimes what you don't know really can hurt you and your family.

When it comes to reverse osmosis, it is when you need to treat your water. Maybe your water is too hard to live with and you need to find something to help your water problems. That is when you get a reverse osmosis system. It will draw out all the nutrients are metals that you do not want and then your water will become softer.


However, how do you know if you have hard water? Hard water simply means that you have more minerals in your water than needed. You will find that a reverse osmosis system will just filter it out, but if you use a water softener like salt, you will end up replacing the calcium or magnesium. If you have never heard your grandmother talk about hard water problems, your family is lucky, but if you have hard water, you can now do something about it for the long life of your appliances and for your pipes.

There are, many issues, you will have to deal with if you have hard water and just use a water softener. Most people will get a reverse osmosis system because it is not as much of a hassle, however, it costs a lot more, but in the long run, you'll be saving.

So how do you know if you have hard water? First, you will notice that your water has a slight color or smells. It may even taste funny. In addition, if taking a shower or bath irritates your skin, you'll know if you have hard water. When you use the water, your skin will feel suddenly dry and itchy. Your skin may also feel like it has a residue. When you have hard water, it does not take the soap off your skin very good. Always look for the signs and if you need treat hard water, do something to fix the problem.

When you get a reverse osmosis system, you will have to change your filter every five or so years. You can purchase the filters online at a discount rate. If you ever need anything for your water system, you can usually purchase it online. When it comes to filters for your reverse osmosis system, you will want to do a quick search and look for some great deals.

How Reverse Osmosis Work and Can Benefit You


The Functions and Benefits Water Softener Salt

Hard water causes an array of problems in home and industrial settings. Soap doesn't lather or rinse well, clothing, skin, and hair feel stiff or sticky after washing, and dishes appear dirty after having been run through the dishwasher. Worst of all, plumbing can become clogged when scale builds up. All of this is caused by minerals in the water. The most common minerals that cause water hardness are magnesium and calcium.

water softener

Hard water, water with a high mineral content, is softened by flushing the water through a tank that contains negatively charged plastic beads. Typically, these beads are bonded with a salt, whose components have a weaker hydrogen bond than that of calcium or magnesium. When hard water is run through the unit, the sodium ions change place on the beads with the ions of the harder mineral.


Water softener salt consists of either sodium chloride or potassium chloride. The salt comes in several different forms. Which water softener salt is used depends on the type of water softener unit, household size and preference of the user. The use of sodium chloride raises the sodium content of the household water supply, however, only those with extreme sodium sensitivity or high blood pressure assume any health risk. It is also recommended that softened water not be used to water plants. Filtered or bottled water should be kept on hand for cooking, consumption, and the like. Potassium chloride is also an alternative choice, though it tends to be 3 to 4 times as expensive as sodium chloride.

There are three types of water softener salt obtained by mining or evaporation. Solar salt comes from evaporated seawater, is packaged as pellets or crystals and is more soluble than rock salt, which is mined. Use of rock salt makes it necessary to clean the water softener unit more often due to the calcium sulfate content. (Calcium sulfate is insoluble). The purest and most soluble of the three forms of water softener salt is evaporated salt. While it is the most expensive of the three forms, it is also the most convenient, because it leaves less sediment, which translates to less cleaning of the water softener. It is recommended that you replenish the salt about every two weeks and that you keep the salt level at about half.

When it comes to softening household water, the user is usually the best judge of which water softener to use and the type of salt to operate it with. When making your decision, be sure to consider how many people live in the house and how much water is used. When deciding on the type of salt to use, you may want to think about how easy the water softener is to access and to maintain.

The Functions and Benefits Water Softener Salt


Top Load Washing Machines Reviews

Samsung has launched the latest variety of Top Load Washers which is designed to wash the laundry more efficiently with the use of less water and energy.

The SW80USP 8kg and the SW75USP 7.5 kilograms washing machine, which is created by Samsung, have a four star WELS rating, using 13,000 water liters every year, less than three star WELS rated, the same capacity's top loader.


The Mist Shower created by Samsung feature 6.5 kilograms SW65USP, which is also available in 5.5 kilograms, and 8.0 kilograms SW80USP washer models gives the laundry a better rinse and saving 20 percent of water than the usual washers. This washing machine technology sprays water to the detergent which helps in the dissolving and spreading of the detergent in your laundry, making all of the clothes to be washed totally whilst limiting the water needed to rinse.

The top load washing machines of Samsung also feature the Silver Wash technology, a technology that disinfects and cleans all of the laundry, using even cold water for washing. By producing 400 billion of silver ions, which directly breaks through the clothes and cleans the as washing with hot water, but with cold water, make sure to be a little more careful for delicate clothes.

The center Double Storm Pulsator improves the gentleness and effectiveness of washing to the laundry. Instead of being harshly harmed by a center agitator, the water jets that are generated by the washer in different direction from the pulsator softly clean the laundry.

Another feature of the washers created by Samsung is Air Turbo Drying Systems which has a dual air shaft that draws air in from the outside of the machine to help in removing the moisture from the laundry. Clothes will take away time to dry as a result.

Top Load Washing Machines Reviews


Sunday, August 21, 2011

Water Softener Reviews - Cut Through The Clutter And Find The Right Water Softener Now

There are many great water softener reviews today to help you find the right softener for your home. People tend to get confused with so many water softeners around. A review on each one of them is definitely going to help, as these people are not going to remember what they read in the newspaper about one brand couple of months ago and every brand is going to claim their product as best on their websites.

A water softener is a necessity to obtain soft water greatly reduces the scaling of pipes, faucets, and bath fixtures, and reduces spotting of glasses, dishes and flatware. Soft water also helps detergent clean your clothes better, while making your clothes last longer too. But hasty decisions might cost you a fortune as there are sales people trying to get every penny out of you.


There are numerous water softener vendors out there who sell both ionic exchange and magnetic water softening systems.

Culligan: This brand is favored particularly for its durability and purchase and rental offer. Culligan is also said to be good at removing iron from the water supply.

Brita: With over 40 years of experience this brand is considered to be reliable. Essentially used with Espresso machines and other coffee and tea making equipment.

Kenmore: Offers water softeners from the very basic to the heavy-duty models. The Kenmore systems also offer extras like the ability to filter out larger particles and added settings that make the units more efficient. Kenmore contends that the cost of everyday household upkeep can be cut in half with the use of a water softener system.

General Electric: GE offers water softeners small enough to accommodate a single-person household all the way up to a unit that will serve a household of four or more people. The GE water softeners include a technology called SmartSoft, which works through a low-capacity transformer to save energy, minimize salt loss, and gauge water softening needs.

Start with these 4 brands, and decide which is best for you. All 4 have years of experience in the industry, and have successfully helped thousands achieve their soft water needs. Shop around, read water softener reviews, and find the best for your home now.

Water Softener Reviews - Cut Through The Clutter And Find The Right Water Softener Now


Choosing the Best Variety of Water Softener Salt To Your Requirements

You will find various kinds of water softener salt that anyone can invest in. The 3 in most cases selected varieties are evaporated, rock and solar salts. The way in which your process runs depends for the variety that you employ. There isn't one that will be generally preferred more than another regarding common utilization. The factors inside your situation can be purchased in to experience, like the kind of device you've got, the firmness of your current water and also the variety in your town.

water softener salt

Evaporated salts (also known as highly processed salts) are a few of the most natural levels available. They normally are frozen and filtered through brine. This is achieved in the manufacturing plant just like the kind that procedures table salts. Rock salts (often known as halite) tend to be obtained from subterranean by way of an exploration method. You can find various exploration techniques implemented, however basically, the concept is always to skyrocket after which it eliminate the calcium deposits inserted in the layers of the earth. Solar salts (as well as ocean salts) are generally obtained from condensers. These are generally huge ponds associated with quite focused seawater that is permitted to escape, abandoning the salts which are after that cleaned and completely dehydrated. Soon after finalizing, some of these work extremely well as water softener salt.


An option in deciding on the best kind for the system is the solubility. Solubility may be the price where anything dissolves. When it comes to a treatment system, the dissolution price may have a big effect on not merely exactly how effectively your drinking water is processed, but additionally how much time your system can last. Evaporated water softener salt will probably be a little more costly compared to various other selections due to the solubility. This can be the best long-term option for your hardest degrees. Solar salts possess a good solubility and therefore are mid-range on the prices scale. Rock salt will probably be the lowest priced from the 3 choices, however remember that additionally, it comes with the minimum solubility, which implies it will be harder on your system.

If you're undecided about the type of water softener salt you require, you are able to perform a examination at house with a overall hardness screening system. The mineral deposits existing identify the hardness. The greater mineral content, like magnesium, calcium and a number of other, the harder your drinking water is going to be. This is often difficult on your water system as it may lead to develop and deterioration of steaming. It can be hard on appear zones because the mineral deposits will probably result in a film or build-up that may just end up being eliminated with severe cleaners and a great quantity of scrubbing.

It is best to look at manufacturer's instructions for the certain device to determine which kind of water softener salt they tend to suggest. Denims, you can even speak to the company you initially bought your current device from. They are often conscious of the circumstances regarding your neighborhood or surroundings plus they can occasionally help to make tips that aren't contained in the device's guide book.

Choosing the Best Variety of Water Softener Salt To Your Requirements