Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Determining the Hardness of Water Through Hardness Test Kits

Hard water, as we all know, is high in mineral content. The "hardness" in water is defined as the presence of multivalent cations such as magnesium and calcium metal cations, as well as other ions such as bicarbonate and sulphate. The main source of magnesium is dolomite while calcium comes in different form of other minerals, such as limestone, chalk, calcium sulfate or calcium carbonate. We use the Hardness test kit to measure the amount of foreign bodies, mentioned above, because of which the water turns hard.

The hardness of water is indicated by the non-formation of lather with soap solutions. This is because the calcium and magnesium dissolved in the water, partly blocks the oil emulsifying action that detergent application use in the cleaning action. Instead of producing lather, the calcium and magnesium form an insoluble precipitate called soap scum. To counteract the hardness of water, extra large amounts of soap have to be used which is not feasible. Hardness of water may also be described as the soap-consuming capacity of water i.e. the harder the water is, less soap froth it produces. A soap solution does not form lather in hard water instead a white colored precipitate is formed. This is where the Hardness Test Kits are used.


Water containing dissolved carbonates of calcium and magnesium inhibits the formation of lather with soap or detergent, which cause water to form scales. These are called lime scales. In other words, when the left-over mineral that deposits after the hard water has evaporated or when the hard water boils, the carbonates that are deposited is known as the lime scale. The Hardness test kits are used to verify the level of hardness in water.

There are two kinds of water hardness, Temporary and Permanent. Temporary hardness, which is easily removable, is caused by an amalgamation of calcium ions and bicarbonate ions in the water. It can be removed easily from the water by boiling it or by the addition of limewater to it. Adding common salt is the easiest option to remove hardness from water but it is not very practical where large amount of water is concerned.

However with permanent hardness, boiling will achieve nothing. It is usually caused by the presence of magnesium and calcium or chlorides in the water, which dissolves more with the rise in temperature. Though, despite the usage of the word permanent, permanent hardness is not irremovable. It can be removed by using water softener or ion exchange column. The Hardness test kit identifies the permanent hardness to temporary hardness in water.

Hard water is generally not harmful to one's health but the deposition of scales can clog pipes and damage water heaters. The calcium and magnesium in hard water, forms a hard, adherent scale on boiler plates, increasing fuel consumption and leading to deterioration through overheating.

On a larger scale, such as an industrial setting, the hardness of water needs to be supervised regularly so that breakdown of costly equipments can be avoided. The hard water can be very detrimental to the heavy duty equipments as lime scales may form and result in failure of the equipment. A hardness test kit comes in handy for such cases.

Determining the Hardness of Water Through Hardness Test Kits



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