Sunday, August 28, 2011

Does A Salt Free Water Softener Really Soften Water?

Does a salt free water softener really soften the water in your home? Well, not really. Technically it's not softening it but actually conditioning it. Softeners, that use salt, remove minerals in your water that make it hard, like calcium and magnesium, and replaces it with something like sodium. This reduces the hardness making it softer.

water softener salt potassium

A salt free water softener is actually a water conditioner or a descaler. It works with a calcium carbonate crystal structure that pulls out excess dissolved hardness by attracting it to the crystal structure making it bigger. As the crystal structure grows, the flow of water and friction and movement of additional hardness minerals against the crystal structure, will cause small pieces to break off and flow with the water through the pipes.


The small pieces, that have broken from the crystal structure into the water as suspended particles, continue to attract hardness minerals and prevents them from sticking to the insides of the pipes, water faucets, showers, water heaters, and dishwashers. As they flow with the water they continue to grab the hardness minerals from the water creating micro crystals.

The salt free water softener does not use any electricity and the whole system is made up of water flowing past the calcium carbonate crystal structure for it to function correctly. Unlike a system that uses salt, this method is friendly to the environment without discharging salt into it. Without using salt, a home can be scale free and still have water that is pH balanced and still contain essential minerals like calcium and magnesium needed for a healthy body.

There are also many other benefits with a salt free water softener system. These benefits include soaps and detergents will work better, it does not need electricity to function, and no slippery feeling water. It also is easy to install and will not cause pressure loss to your plumbing system in any way. It also works great for pets, gardens, and pools.

Does A Salt Free Water Softener Really Soften Water?



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