Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Information on Kinetico Water Softeners

When it comes to detecting hard water, the signs can be quite obvious. That is precisely why it is a little bit easy to determine if you have to soften your water or not. However, the most difficult part is deciding which softener is best for your home, with a starting point being Kinetico water softeners.

The first thing you need to know is how water softeners really work. They are not the same as a water filter either. Basically, filters remove water contaminants while softeners soften hard water by reducing its mineral contents. This is where the transformation from hard to soft water occurs. You have to realize that when it's hard, it usually contains calcium deposits as well as magnesium metal, in some cases, bicarbonates and sulfates.


In order for your tap water to be considered soft, those afore mentioned minerals should be reduced or completely removed. This is where Kinetico water softeners work well. First off, Kinetico's softeners use a three tank system, compared to the two tank systems that standard softeners utilize. Typically, the first tank is the mineral tank, while the second is the brine tank. The third tank is to make it soft, once it has been treated.

The extra tank will allow you to have an almost continuous supply of soft water, where two-tank systems will have you waiting for several minutes to have soft water. This is why many online softener reviews favor Kinetico water softeners. The mineral tank is typically filled with zeolites or polystyrene beads. One great feature of a Kinetico water softener that many individuals love is that it does not use an electric pump. The whole softening process really relies on a turbine which is responsible for moving the water from tank to tank.

The use of a patented turbine instead of an electric pump makes the Kinetico softeners more cost-efficient compared to other softeners. Keep in mind that hard water can drastically damage water filters. There are many good filters out there such as the Aqua Pure filters or a Berkey filter that filters contaminants well but gets damaged easily because of the hardness.

This is why you will need to have your tap water checked for hardness and contaminants before buying anything. If the test results show that your water has less than 17.1 ppm (parts per million), then it is considered soft and you will not need any softeners. Filtering would be another story; it would depend on the contaminants present.

Information on Kinetico Water Softeners



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