Saturday, August 6, 2011

Does the Salt Free Water Softener Really Work?

Hard water is a common problem in America. Many people use salt to soften their water. But unfortunately the water can end up having a slimy feeling to it. Also people are now becoming concerned because those that have high blood pressure or hypertension may not want that extra salt added to the water they drink and shower in. Another concern is the discarded salt water can have an impact on the environment as it collects in the soil. But is the best solution the salt free water softener and does it work?

water softener prices

Well first off, the salt free water softener isn't actually a softener at all. Adding salt to the water and causing an ionic exchange softens the water. The salt free method is actually conditioning the water or is known as a descaler. It uses a resin-plated ceramic surface to turn the calcium and magnesium into a crystalline form that sticks to the ceramic surface until it is too large and breaks off into the water. It causes a chain reaction as it flows down the water, attaching to other calcium and magnesium particles and is unable to attach to anything else, including your water pipes. These clumps of calcium or magnesium are discarded with the flow of the water and your pH is not affected.


Based on the reviews for some of the salt free water softener models like Pelican and NuvoH2O, it is really hard to determine if they indeed work or not. The reviews are very mixed. Either 1 star or 5 stars, not much in between. And I can't verify who's writing the reviews, it's possible they can be written by the companies to promote their products.

But all I can say is that a salt free water softener is a substantial purchase, as much as 00 for a full set up, and it's important to get your water tested. The salt free water softener is not recommended for hardness levels above 75 grains per gallon. A copper level at.5 ppm or more will void a Pelican warranty. A NuvoH2O warranty is only 90 days. The popular NaturSoft system by Pelican has a 10 year warranty and a 90 day satisfaction guarantee.

If you have all of your facts going in and know what you're dealing with warranty wise, it will make it easier to get your money back if it doesn't deliver everything it promises to.

Does the Salt Free Water Softener Really Work?



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