Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Electronic Water Softening Technology

Many people require the use of water softeners to remove minerals and elements from their home's water supply. Up until recently, salt-based water softeners have been the primary way to take the hardness out of their water. But digital electronic water softeners have proven to be a modern, effective and efficient breakthrough in the in-home water filtration and treatment field.

Usually, determining the hardness or softness has to do with the amount of minerals present in the water supply. Calcium is usually the element that is predominantly found in residential water, and a high amount can cause a scaly buildup inside pipes and wreak havoc on water-using appliances. The more calcium is found in the water, the harder the wader is considered to be.


A telltale sign of having hard water can be noticed when washing with soap. Working up a sudsy lather is difficult and rinsing the soap away only leaves skin feeling filmy and unclean. In some cases, depending on the severity of hard water, you can actually taste a metallic or earthy flavor to your drinking water. This can be remedied by installing an in-home softening system.

Digital electronic softening systems do not remove all the calcium from hard water, as that would make the water too soft and to alkaline for use or consumption. Calcium and other minerals, in just the right quantities, are essential for having good tasting water for drinking and cooking. Treating water with a digital electronic water softener allows the water to retain some of the properties of the necessary minerals while modifying the calcium into aragonite. The aragonite does not stick to pipe surfaces or clump together in filmy scales. Furthermore, aragonite makes the calcium easier to absorb by the body.

Aragonite will allow you to work up a rich, sudsy lather when washing yourself or washing dishes. You'll use less soap and the results will be a clean, fresh feeling with no filmy buildup. Your hair and skin will feel clean and soft, without the slick feeling felt by brine-based water softeners.

Another benefit to installing a digital electronic water softener is that the current buildup of lime scale in your pipes and appliances will be broken down as the electronically treated water passes through. The scale deposits will be permanently eliminated to the change in the molecular properties of the water. Your appliances will last longer and you'll save money on their replacement and maintenance.

Digital water softeners are quickly becoming the most popular choice for in-home water treatment systems. They are small and can be installed quickly at any point in the home without any major changes to your current plumbing system. All the water that enters your home and flows through your pipes will be cleaner and softer, while tasting and feeling great.

Electronic Water Softening Technology



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